Jay profile picture


Why hello. Please, sit down. How can I help you?

About Me

Please. It's not the first time I've been hazardously exposed to Asbestos.

My Interests

Crakpots . Sub-Cultures.
People. Places with few people.

Vast Stretches of Wilderness, Communications, Games, International Politics, Eavesdropping, Domestic Politics, Wordplay, Pictures, Animals, Spectacle, Sound, Laughs.

This American Life. Radio Lab. WireTap.

the ARKive

Conquer Club .

AlterNet .

I'd like to meet:

Like minded people. Unlike minded people with a good temperament.

Occasional scuffles.


Current rotation: Okkerville River's "The President's Dead", "Westfall", and "Happy Hearts"; Townes Van Zandt's, 'Rear View Mirror', Los Campesinos!'s 'Hold On Now, Youngster', The Builders & The Butchers, and the Mekons', 'Fear and Whiskey'.

Tunes, tracks, cuts, numbers, songs and sing-alongs.

Modest Mouse, The Mountain Goats, Belle and Sebastian, Built to Spill (and Doug Martsch), Grandaddy, Devotchka, Leonard fucking Cohen, Will Oldham, Sparklehorse, The Microphones/Mount Eerie, The Rentals, The Arcade Fire, The Magnetic Fields, Dr. Dog, Clem Snide (and Eef Barzelay), Pavement, Blur, Pulp, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Smiths, The Hold Steady, Jeffrey Lewis, Destroyer's 'Streethawk: A Seduction', and Piebald's 'If It Weren't For Venetian Blinds, It'd Be Curtains For Us All'. Among other things.

Including Pakisandra, Le Switch, Blanket, Daphne The Painted Lady, Mulatto Blanco, Green Turtle, and The Lottery. Among other things.

Casio keyboards; the folk instrument of a modern consumer culture.

...and Marty Robbins' "El Paso" and "You Gave Me A Mountain". And Biz Markie's "Just a Friend."


No, I haven't seen that movie either.

'Ghostbusters'. Ghostbusters is my favorite movie.

'Brain Candy.'

'The Royal Tennenbaums'. 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'.'M*A*S*H'.'The Big Chill'. 'The Princess Bride'. 'Twelve Monkeys'.

'Batman Begins'. 'Office Space'.'Bad Santa'.'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.'

I recently saw the story of a Polar Bear's lost love. It was great.

I've been thinking a lot about 'The Muppet Movie' and 'The Muppets Take Manhattan' recently.


Guerilla Run



Strong Bad's emails. The Office. The Daily Show. Futurama. The Shield. Home Movies. The Colbert Report. Northern Exposure. Flight of the Conchords. King of the Hill. The Kids In The Hall. Strangers With Candy. C-Span. Wundershowzen. PBS. Meerkat Manor. The NFL.

The News/Anything With Analysts, Commentators, and/or Talking Heads. You can tell I'm really enjoying it when I start talking back.


Chick Tracts and other Stupid Comics


Calvin and Hobbes. The Cartoon History of the Universe. 'Wimbledon Green: The Greatest Comic Collector in the World'.

George Saunders. Kurt Vonneget. Sartre's 'The Age of Reason'. 'The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.' 'Ender's Game.' James Joyce's 'The Dubliners'. 'The Great Gatsby'. Jon Ronson's 'The Men Who Stare At Goats'.

John Steinbecks, 'Travels With Charley' and 'America and Americans'.

The Onion


Noam Chomsky.
John Stewart.
Stephen Colbert.
Mr. Rogers.
Subcommandante Marcos.
Ira Glass.
Evo Morales.
Huey P. Long.
Mike Gravel.

My Blog

For Everyone Who Loves Koalas and Penguins.

Areba Koala on Stupid Comics....
Posted by Jay on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST

I Think Taxi Cab Confessions Would Be Better If It Was About The Drivers.

I find fathers in cab drivers. Especially Eastern European ones.Tonight my cab driver asked me if I knew about the Reptilians. The Reptilians that were fighting the Grays for control of Earth. And I s...
Posted by Jay on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:54:00 PST

Jesus Is Always Just Around The Corner

Through a combination of David Icke style Global Conspiracy paranoia (Replacing shape-shifting psychic lizardmen with atheists. Probably communist atheists. Or atheist bankers. Maybe Jews sometimes? A...
Posted by Jay on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST

From The Book 'Our Baby's First Seven Years' (Part 6)

From The Book 'Our Baby's First Seven Years' (Continued)Seven months oldGets a walker - loves it. Chases the girl next door.Starts creeping efficiently - loves to chase Meow.Starts feeding himself.Fas...
Posted by Jay on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 02:44:00 PST

From The Book 'Our Baby's First Seven Years' (Part 5)

From The Book 'Our Baby's First Seven Years': (Continued) Baby's First Year... ...Mental, Physical, and Social Development. Six months old On 12-9-81 - 1st tooth - Right lower incisor, followed imm...
Posted by Jay on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 09:15:00 PST

"God bless the badge of the CHP"

I really don't know how to preface this. I recently stopped by the California Highway Patrol website, and after a moment or two of loading, this song, aparently titled "The Badge of the CHP", began pl...
Posted by Jay on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 05:31:00 PST

"So, I was wondering, do you think I could get, like, 70 billion more dollars...

...just to get me through to the end of the (fiscal) year?" [[The White House has told Congress to expect requests for about $70 billion in additional funding for the ongoing budget year for the wars...
Posted by Jay on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 11:07:00 PST

The State of the Union: Beset by Man-Beasts

I'm just glad somebody has the courage and foresight to take a firm stand against human-animal hybrids. Thank you, President Bush. Centaurs, Minotaurs, Satyrs and Mermaids...watch the fuck out. Freedo...
Posted by Jay on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:31:00 PST

La la la la la, la.

We're all independent states in loose confederation of friendships formed in conversations. When I declared independence from my family and moved to this city, I carried something with me.
Posted by Jay on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:36:00 PST

Tennesee And Pennsylvania

Met a drunk man from Tennesee and he was happy to see me, a Pennsylvanian in Los Angeles. Said he'd never seen anything like it, and that he'd have to play catch up with the people living in a world o...
Posted by Jay on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 01:27:00 PST