Jack profile picture


L'hiver vient.

About Me

Good at telling stories. A curious cat. Has used up six lives out of nine, but y'know... nothing ventured, nothing gained. Polymathic, polymorphic, polyhedric. Cool hand with a hot wok; adept with beer/food pairings. Really damned silly. Likes traveling more than staying put. Still has trouble staying out of trouble.

obligatory lj
lonesome robot press: sci-fi writing
Eclipse Phase (RPG I worked on)

My Interests

writing, wandering/exploring, cats, rain, rooftops, woods, mountains, Eclipse Phase, Japanese culture, Chinese history + current events, French anything, taking pictures of street art, predicting the future (with sci-fi, not tarot cards), leftish politics, the nigh-impossible search for good Mexican food in Boston, hoppy fucking beer, wine of the red sort, oulipos, languages, people watching, fashion, analog synthesis, anglo-saxon+celtic art & culture, artificial intelligence, Burning Man, cheese, drinky dancing in darkened bars, diseases, dreams, electric bass, esoterica, Firefly, folklore, graphic design, great lakes, green, insects, industrial design, magical realism, paranoid systems, philology, physics, pie, rain, robots, rooftops, scandinavia, space exploration, spiders, staying out late, strategy games, typography, veggie/piscatarian cooking, hiking, Swiss Army knives

I'd like to meet:

Time travelers from the future.


the Pixies, Frank Black, J.S. Bach, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Johnny Cash, Cranes, the Cure, the Faint, Clinic, the Hives, Iszoloscope, Covenant, Freezepop, the Dresden Dolls, Devotchka, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Rasputina, Massive Attack, Roots Menuva, MIA, Mimetic, Four Tet, Monolith, the Sugarcubes/Bjork, Amon Tobin, Radiohead, Dead Prez, Tricky, the Vines, the Arcade Fire, Re:Agent, Alec Redfearn, Reverend Glasseye, Prospero, the Murder City Devils, Offwhyte, :wumpscut:, Icelandic wailing (Sigur Ros, Mum), TMBG, Mission of Burma, Lard, Gogol Bordello, Squarepusher, The Cramps, The Cure, Bowie, Dresden Dolls, Death in Vegas, April March, Wire, Golem


Bleu, Jean-Luc Godard, anything Guy Ritchie (Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels), the Coen Brothers (Milller's Crossing, The Big Lebowski), Jim Jarmusch (Dead Man, Coffee & Cigarettes, Ghost Dog), Hero, Crouching Tiger, Pi, Memento, Insomnia, Kama Sutra, The Terrorist, Se7en, House of Flying Daggers, Serenity, usually Tim Burton (though he's been a bit off his game lately), Takashi Miike (Audition, Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer), Ninja Scroll


Don't watch it, but some things are worth watching on DVD. Things that have been known to blow my skirt up include: Twin Peaks, Cowboy Bebop, Farscape, Firefly, Aqua Teen Hungerforce, Hellsing, Lain, Angel, Invader Zim, Samurai Champloo


Gravity's Rainbow, Schismatrix, Man in the High Castle, Vineland, Borges, Vurt, Illuminatus, William S. Burroughs, Eileen Gunn, Tatterhood, GRRM, Ken MacLeod, Harry Mathews, Margaret Atwood, Steven Erikson (Malazan Book of the Fallen), Elisabeth Vonarburg, Jonathan Strange & Mister Norrell, The Four Agreements, Robert Zubrin

Comics: the Invisibles, Preacher, Enki Bilal


Mom & Dad, Dr. Quentin Young, Studs Terkel, Daniel Ellsberg, Edward R. Murrow, the EFF, Charles Goodyear (developer of the vulcanization process), Frank Black, Robert Zubrin

My Blog

HONK! (Slummahville/Davis-land, this Sat/Sun Oct 11&12)

I'll be sitting in (or maybe standing/marching/romping in?) with Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band at the HONK! Festival in Somerville this weekend. Saturday is a day of shows in & around Davi...
Posted by Jack on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 03:51:00 PST

Robot Seals, Underwater Swarms, & Doppler Velocity Logs (New Story!)

The podcast Robots, produced by associates of the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland,  will be serializing my story  Selkies over th...
Posted by Jack on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:25:00 PST

doin’ Chicago, September 26

Soooooo, although I am somewhat on the fence about going to the Juno Reactor show next Friday (one person's suggestion... anyone else thinking about it?), I will definitely stop in for this thingy at ...
Posted by Jack on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 04:32:00 PST

St. Patrinox -- 22 March

Posted by Jack on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:57:00 PST

in case you ever want to modify your cell phone to run on vacuum tubes...

Vintage radio parts from OhioTransistor Museum StoreThe latter was found on the blog of the guy who plans to upload a garage sale mix tape every week. (Do I need to do a BoingBoing attribution for a l...
Posted by Jack on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:45:00 PST

Petition Google to add a ’bike there’ option to Google Maps

Posted by Jack on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST

Super Fucking Tuesday - VOTE!

Elizabeth Kucinich for First Lady!This site has a search engine to help you find your polling place if you don't know where it is:http://www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.phpPolls in most plac...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:07:00 PST


Doing this party tonight...http://winkellittlestar.com/If any NYC folks feel like brunch/lunch on New Year's Day, give me a ring. (Won't be checking interwebs after ~14:00 today).
Posted by Jack on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 08:24:00 PST

daft perl modules, Chicago, future neural net snapshot, culturing ears

fucking DBD::mysql perl module, or, I have No Business being a SysAdminSpent many hours today grappling with a recalcitrant perl module. OS X is weird, and this fucker would not compile in any way tha...
Posted by Jack on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:46:00 PST

Chicago: 8/17-8/18

I'm in town for the Wuertz/Stef wedding Friday & Saturday (sadly, I couldn't get a decently priced flight that would let me leave later on Sunday).So, Saturday night in Chicago... how can I use it for...
Posted by Jack on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:26:00 PST