radioactive sandwich profile picture

radioactive sandwich

the only sandwich that'll make you glow...

About Me

************** Since the beginning of time, two things have been true: Humans needs food and Humans need to create music. Combine these two prehistoric needs and you find the group Radioactive Sandwich. Slice One and Slice Two came together realizing they were starved for a more fulfilling, hearty breed of music. They felt that they needed to create a hearty, filling meal of music... not only for themselves, but also for the millions of starving people out there just like them. Combining fresh breaks, groovy bass, and psychedelic synth lines, Radioactive Sandwich servers up a meal that will surely satiate even the strongest hunger.
Radioactive Sandwich has released 3 albums and provided remixes for Grammy winner Angelique Kidjo (feat. Peter Gabriel), and Kelly Sweet. They are currently at work on a 4th release and some more remixes. Keep a look out for new Sandwich coming soon to speakers near you! **************

The Earls of Sandwich (available digitally and on CD)


CDBABY (hardcopy of the album)


Soup... (available digitally)



Spices (available digitally)



check out RADIOACTIVE SANDWICH'S FAST FOOD JOINT for tasty sandwich merch!


My Interests


Member Since: 1/16/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

slice one - msn / lab4happy - aim

some favorite bands/artists: (no particular order)
younger brother
notorious BIG
kanye west

what slice one is listening to:


slice two - msn

check out slice two's blog!

some favorite bands/artists: (no particular order)
nine inch nails
younger brother
black sabbath
amon tobin

what slice two is listening to:

Influences: simon posford, younger brother, shpongle, ott, crystal method, tricky, portishead, hybrid, ILS, rabbit in the moon, infected mushroom, prodigy, rinkadink, theivery corporation, orbital, violet vision, adam f., adam freeland, goldie, burufunk, juno reactor, amon tobin, fc/kahuna, sasha, venetian snares, junkie xl, pixel, morcheeba, way out west, sasha, j. viewz, hallucinogen, rob dougan, underworld, digweed, chemical brothers, flexitones, tripswitch, massive attack, nine inch nails, kanye west, just blaze, andy page, black sabbath, tool, dredg, the mars volta, south park... probably many more
Sounds Like: we sound like music... or at least we try to...
Record Label: wanna sign us?
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Live show July 4th!

Friday, July 4thDelineation, Dyztorted Entertainment, and QXT's hostsDystopia at QXT'sLive Performance by:Radioactive Sandwich( and Photography by Delineat...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:44:00 PST

great "review" of our stuff! tive-sandwich/...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:03:00 PST

we may love ourselves...

but we sure as hell know we're not worth this... $100? seriously?...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 02:57:00 PST


we;re sorry we've been so quiet lately. we've been busy working on new music, a new album (that we'll be dropping for free) and rehearsing for our live shows this summer. we promise to have some kill...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:15:00 PST


slice two needs some new metal in his life. this is a sampling of what he likes. recommend more. sepultura (max years)soulflykillswitch engagecoal chamberfear factorytype o negativeall that remainsbla...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

free albums!

we just put all 3 albums up on amie street. go here and download all 3 albums for free while you still can.once they get a certain amount of downloads then the price will start going up, so get on it...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

awesome video!

we scored the video. the guy franky is amazing. enjoy!...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 04:23:00 PST

new album information!

so we here at radioactive sandwich are hard at work polishing off songs for a new album called "...And A Sandwich". this album is the follow up to "Soup..." (get it? badum CHI! man we take this food t...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 01:03:00 PST


Want to win a Radioactive Sandwich download card, stickers, buttons, and a copy of The Earls of Sandwich? Answer this question: What do all of these songs have in common: 1. $10,000 Cash2. Pig Me Elep...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:41:00 PST

slice two’s blog

he's been writing mad stuff about mad stuff!   Subscribe in a reader   you can subscribe to it with the link above, or just visit enjoy!...
Posted by radioactive sandwich on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:01:00 PST