Molotov Cockfight(for now) profile picture

Molotov Cockfight(for now)

rottenspeil 08

About Me

We're a punk band from Colorado. We're known for our out of hand live show, so come see us, send us an email, talk to us, aside from our social and political commentary we love getting fucked up and supporting ANY scene(cept you emo fucks), we're up for meeting anyone, if you disagree with our message or anything we say feel free to contest or question or confront us on anything.

Fuck La Migra
Fuck the united $nakes imperialists
Fuck bush
Fuck your "democracy"
We stand with the third world, not with you. Spoiled bitch.


"We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary"
-Malik Shabazz
"They call it the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it''
-George Carlin

My Interests


Member Since: 1/16/2005
Band Website: Look No Further...
Band Members:
MK Ultra-Lite- Bass, vox, less calories same greate taste

Tony the Tiger- Gits, Vox, Approves of things very highly, Ex quarterback for the Miami Dolphins

Fidel Castration-Drums, Holds cockfights in his basement every weekend

Syphillis steve (when in state)- Gits, Vox, Ginger Kid [Syphalis]

Cheap Sex
Lars and the Bastards
The Virus
Frontline Attack
Dropkick Murphys
Rise Against
The Forgotten
Career Soldiers
Brain Failure
Complete Control
Krum Bums
The Unseen
Cheap sex or

Sounds Like: Credence Clearwater Revival
Toddler Time
Record Label: We ain't got shit
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Pigs Never Learn

CRANDON, Wis. - The residents Tyler Peterson was hired to protect and serve can't understand how the 20-year-old who shot dead six of their young people and critically injured another could have passe...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:14:00 PST

No longer Jerkin it to stalefish

Since AJ left, weve decided to devote ourselves to many differing genres of music, as anyone who is close minded about thinking a band should only be confined to one type of music can eat a fucking Oi...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST


Hey, we're in the middle of a lot of songwriting right now, so here are some of the lyrics to some shit on our next demo or CD and whatever we manage to shit out. But yea, read, enjoy, comment, email,...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:51:00 PST

Condoleeza Rice is a Cracker

"Who shot Tupac? If we don't get them they gonna get us all, I'm down for runnin' up on these crackaz in they city hall" Oh yea, speak the truth. Now I always thought that the punk rock community was ...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:53:00 PST

Attack of the Killer Pesos

So I'm sure everyone in Colorado has heard about the pizza shop that accepts pesos as currency now. This has striked controversy state wide and has had all the xenophobic wolf-cryers going mad. If you...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST

God hates stupidity

K, We finally got the pictures up. So here's the deal, a couple years ago Matthew Sheapard, a young gay man was killed and hung up on a fence post. The reason he died is highly disputed between whethe...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:48:00 PST

Show in New Mexico

Hard to imagine we've done so much without ever leaving the state, but we did for the first time to New Mexico and's the story through my eyes.... OK, so I have 1 class and leave with Hipp...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 06:28:00 PST


OK, So a lot of you probably bought a leftover crack cd and preach hatred of the WTO. Believe me, I love leftover crack, but the little info book on the inside is hardly enough to make an educated dec...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:36:00 PST

A real Cockfight

In case you were one of the two people who helped us move you would've seen AJ and Chris attempt to beat the hell out of each other, well, Chris took care of the job and kicked his own ass. He picked ...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Emo Fag Jason sends me hate mail, FUNNIER THAN DEVIN DID IT

Okay, so if you knew who that REALLY bad emo/screamo band in Denver was (Leading On Angelica) which the gayest band/name ever (Angelica was refering to a flower) their singer, (Jason, http://www.myspa...
Posted by Molotov Cockfight(for now) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST