Lady Loo profile picture

Lady Loo

i cant cancel this

About Me

i changed myspace... check my new one at

My Interests

music, rollerderby, roadtrips, drinking, smoking (hell have me over if ya want : ), not working, not going to school, punk music, punks, oi!, and probably alot of other stuff... just comunicate to get to know me better, i am fairly nice, seriously
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures




same here... lately ive got Mystery Men, and Big Fish in my dvd/vcr player- dig it man


FUCK it all.... exept aqua teen hunger force, Ghost Hunters, Hanna Montana (fuck you, she's hot!), and any kind of cartoons, excluding anime


Sorts, Skinhead Girls, Knuckle girl, Clockwork Orange, The Hobbit, LOTR, and harry potter.


All of those bands out there, living off of doing something they love. O how i wish i could find someone else who wants to leave just about everything behind to fallow a dream... or to just have fun in random citys with many random people... just fucking around, and NO that doesnt have to be taken literaly

My Blog

ya sick SOAB

so i have recently come to the conclusion that i am a dumb ass, and so are a lot of the things i do and say... i suck at LIFE (no joke!) i have said things TOTALY not meaning what they mean, i just ca...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST

spring break 2007 comes to an end

so incase you didnt see the bullitin (not that anyone is reading these anyways) i finaly went to go see the Exploited, god it was freakin awsome. when i was heading down from austin back to dallas, i ...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 06:13:00 PST

VETO... i hope she is ok

so like 5 min ago, i went to go take out a small bag of trash to the dumpster, and Veto decided to jump off of me, and ran under the dumpster, of all the time this week this happend to be the day, the...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 02:00:00 PST

im ok

ok, so i was totaly overreacting but i couldnt help it- im not going to lie- i FREAKED OUT at the hospital this morning... realy FREAKED OUT, worse than a tornado (jordan), but i am ok, not that i wou...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:40:00 PST


so, err,ahh... i am having surgury tomarrow... or a biopsy, im not shure- my freak out + ADD caused me to forget about what the dr had said... ne ways- it is going to be a NWTH... which i hate and i w...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:46:00 PST

Its nothing more than me bitching

alright, so i already feel worn out just from thinking about what is in the weeks to come... GOD!!! ill  be working 10 days strait come next week... i dont even remember when my 1 day off this we...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:18:00 PST

too much for words

Never mind... everything has been fixed, thru all the tears  (man i fucking hate these steps) everything is alright and perhaps better than before
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:44:00 PST

beat my drowner and pick me up

God. I dont understand how shit happens, how crap can build up in the span of 1 day. . . Anybody? As brandon told me, I "attract drama". How the FUCK do I do that, honestly I wanna know so I can stop....
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:50:00 PST

i LOVE when people lie

It always makes me feel worlds better about my self cus i know i dont have to stoop to that level.... thank you- now i can write you off- Barbie
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 05:24:00 PST


I have a new song to present to some one i hold in a special place in my heart... the HATRED side The Wicked Heart- by the Devotchkas I was young and so naive wearing my heart on my sleeve and so i ga...
Posted by (about to quit!) Delivering Lies for a Living! on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 11:14:00 PST