Music, and whatever else i can get into.
Slash . Whoever
I mostly like noise such as F-minus , Narco Youth, the pist , the virus, anti product , anti nowhere league, rudi peni, toxic narcotic, leftover crack, anthrax , phobia, bad samaritans, bad religion, blanks 77, the stitches, funeral dress, OxYmOrOn, skeptix, chaos uk, bikini kill, LCB, vice squad, MDC , reagan youth, wasted youth, anti heroes, dirt , screamers , street trash, exploited, nirvana , caustic christ, di, adolesents, th unseen, assuck, etc...
All the tremors, Almost Famous, And just about any war movie...
King of the Hill (its all about drinkin beer in the alley with yer friends). Simpsons. Futurama. Mail Call . National Geographic. Discovery. Animal Planet. History.
"Never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun. And if you ever get lonly just go to the record store and visit your friends."
Heroes die. Legends live forever.