Detroit International Jazz Festival video
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These are segments that Scott Allman and I produced for
Monty Pythons "Life of Brian" Marx Brothers "Duck Soup" Steve Martin "The Jerk" National Lampoons "Animal House" The original "Out of Towners" (1970)The original "The Inlaws" with Peter Falk & Alan Arkin (1979) "Blues Brothers" "Raising Arizonia" Any COEN BROTHERS FILM "Oh Brother Where art Thou" Any FARRLEY BROTHERS FILM "Something about Mary","Me myself & Irene Jim Carey in "The Cable Guy"Michael Moores "Farenhight 911" "12 angry Men" (1957) "40 year old Virgin" Woody Alans "Radio Days" "The Purple Rose of Cario" Barry Levinsons "Tin Men" & "Avalon" Ron Sheltons "Bull Durham" Sacha Baron Coen "Borat" Stephen Spielbergs "The Color Purple" "Jaws" "Saving private Ryan" "Schindler's List""Dumb & Dumber""Frank Frazetta:Painting with Fire" "One flew over the Cookoos nest" Tom Fendly's Documentry "From Black to Blue" "America and Lewis Hine"