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About Me

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Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comI am Paws, the mascot for the Detroit Tigers. My job is great, most of the time. I get to go to all the Tigers games and I get to make various promotional stops throughout the year. There are many perks of the job, but many downers. I encounter jerky kids who pull my tail at times. I also run into many drunks that want to hug me all the time. Here are some pictures of me at work. I enjoy playing softball. Good sex before the game usually leads to a strong performance on the mound. Lets just say, that on this occassion, I had some killer sex. I have many attractive female fans. Here I am with two of them that I later saw naked. Unfortunately, their deuschebag friend climbed into the side of the picture. He also cockblocked me later on in the night when I had them both naked in the hottub. If you ever want to hire me, don't bother me on here. Contact the Detroit Tigers organization or the kids fun club or whatever. They rent me out for $125 and hour. Hey, Hey Detroit!!! Look at me!!! Everybodys favorite slut!!! Lets pay Paws for his time. Unfortunately, I see very little of that $125 an hour. My friends dared me to stand on top of the dugout and raise my hands. They thought that it would be funny how nobody cared. As you can see, they were right. I love interacting with the kids and giving them advice. Here I teach them some valuable lessons such as not to take drugs (on an empty stomach) and to always use protection (when bedding a prostitute) My friends and I thought it would be funny to trash an art display at a local high school. Here is a picture of me making sure that the coast is clear.

My Interests

This is all I can afford with my lousy ass mascot wages. Three of them usually help me get through the game. I believe in the right to own a gun. Suck my striped balls, Rosie O'Donnell. MLB won't even test players for penis shrinking pills. Paws is in the clear, bitches.

I'd like to meet:

Pam Anderson. I'd make that movie she made with Tommy Lee look like "Fievel Goes West". I like that she is with PETA too. Paws would take good care of you..... bitch. Sigfried and Roy. I don't appreciate the way they treat Tigers. I'd give them an asspounding quite different from the ones their accustomed to. Tigger. I'd ask him why he's such a pussy. If girls liked me that much I'd get more ass than a toilet seat.


Of course, I am a huge Bangles fan. They are female tigers. I once saw Susanna Hoffs undressing in a movie. It ended up being an adequate substitute for good sex as I was called on to make a surprise pitching performance later on in the evening.


I only watch cinemax programming late at night. So instead I decided to post these creative pictures sent to me by fans. "Grilli Gone Wild." Made in response to his 12 straight balls in the ALCS. "Deep Sea Diving Granderson." Granderson gets to balls everywhere, even when they go in the ocean. "Decapitation of the Yankees." Granderson takes a swing and takes off Yankee heads. "Brokeback Yankees." I know. So played. "Grillification." Grilli's in a wall. "Pirouetting Paul Konerko". Konerko is clearly a ballerina pansy. Here are two pictures to depict this point.


I read a variety of books. But I don't feel like talking about them. Instead I posted Tiger highlights and other stuff. .. width="425" height="350" .. Carlos Guillen walk-off. .. width="425" height="350" .. Jim Leyland puts arguing on hold for God Bless America.
Get this video and more at A quick look at Comerica Park.
Get this video and more at Torturing Mark Prior and Cubbies was lots of fun.


.. width="425" height="350" .. This seasons Tiger squad. Some highlights to the tune of Brian Sprung's- Tigers Gonna Do It Again.

My Blog

Tigers v. Red Sox (6-2-2006)

   Hi there. Its paws. I decided to write blogs whenever I can after big games. I would like to do this after every game, but usually I am out getting wasted and soliciting prostitutes. Howe...
Posted by Paws on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:13:00 PST