www.aavs.org, www.shadowcats.org, www.artivists.org, www.thepeacealliance.org
The Papercranes and the Lovely Rain Phoenixhey,
Papercranes,Payola Reserve, Siouxsie and the Banshees,Cash,The Clash,Paul Simon,Sierra Swan,Ringside,The Beatles, Planet Swan,The 88,Pink Floyd,John Mayer,No Doubt, Jane's Addiction,Bob Dylan,Waylon and Shooter Jennings,Beastie Boys, Nelly Furtado,Willie Nelson, Bitter:Sweet,People in Planes,Depeche Mode,The Smiths,The Cure,James Blunt,Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin,Janice Joplin,Every Indie artist on this page,Etc,Etc...
Being John Malkovich,Even Cowgirls Get the Blues,Harold and Maude,Heathers,Off the Map with Sam Elliott, Return To Paradise, The Breakfast Club, Walk The Line, Quills, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Clay Pigeons, The Crow, Buffalo Soldiers, The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Actors Studio
All books by Author Frederick Nolan, Love Letters by A. R. Gurney, The work of Edgar Allan Poe, and Author Nathaniel Hawthorne