I am a natural girl who serves a supernatural God An ordinary woman who submits to an extraordinary God. An aweful wretch who has been adopted by an Awesome Father
You. For REAL I want to meet you! Not the person you put on to make everyone comfortable, but you.
("You are important to me, I need you to survive!")I'm gonna meet Jesus...no question about that cause every knee must bow every tongue confess...So let me get myself ready!
Does it glorify God? Yes?! Then I can dig it. I listen to words more than the tempo so all genres can work for me. I have country and western gospel, rap gospel, smooth gospel, quartet gospel, bluegrass gospel,contempory gospel, and gospel gospel :-)
Pick up your copy of the long awaited Sophomore release of:
Featuring the Incomparable Nikki Ross!
Rosewood, A Time to Kill, Roots, The Color Purple, Cinderella, Peter Pan
Christian programming and Murder Mysteries (Can U list those two together?)
I and II Samuel, Daniel (Whoo good stuff) Confessions of a Church Girl by Beverly T. Gooden (www.BTGCorp.org)
My Parents. There are too many in my cloud of witnesses to name but I'll say ditto to those mentioned in Hebrews.