Apostle Vennissica F. Kelly is the loving and proud mother of three lovely, anointed and talented children.Apostle Kelly received Jesus Christ as her personal savior at the age of 14. One year later God commissioned her to preach the gospel. She has over 30 years of experience preaching the gospel. She has served in various capacities in the Kingdom always doing whatever she found her hands to do. She takes a challenge with grace and tenacity.Apostle Kelly is always available and willing to work in the kingdom. She travels locally and abroad advancing the Body of Christ through preaching, teaching, singing and conducting seminars. Her travels include the United States, Zimbabwe, Africa; Durban and Cape Town, South Africa; the Bahamas and Jamaica, West Indies,.Apostle Kelly was the Founder of Refuge of Love Ministries, Inc., Valdosta, GA. She served as Senior Pastor from December 1995 until July 2002. She also founded Word Clinic International in December 1995 the ministry that God has entrusted to her. She was consecrated an Apostle in Holy Light Pentecostal Ministries, Inc. July 2000. She was proclaimed Bishop-elect by Bishop Debra E. Gause, Presiding Prelate of HLPM in Valdosta, GA, March 2002.Heeding to the call of God and the voice of her leader, Apostle Kelly relocated to New York in July 2002.On March 15, 2003, she was appointed overseer of Faith Unity Tabernacle Campus Ministry in NY, and she served with joy for a couple of years. Apostle Kelly served as the Interim Vice-President of HLPM. She also served as Business Administrator of HLPM for several years and serves as Jurisdictional Apostle over the Southern Regional District. She was consecrated Bishop in the 9th Annual Holy Convocation of Holy Light Pentecostal Ministries, Inc. She assumed her new duties as Bishop of Administration and Communication in August 2003.Keep watching God is going to get this Kingdom Business Done, and Apostle Kelly will be found Cooperating with God.Presently Apostle Kelly is building the ministry that charged unto her hands which is Word Clinic International. WCI is a ministry that is: Taking the World by the Word of God; Touching Heaven, Changing Earth.
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