The one thing I am passionate about is helping others in what ever capacity I am able to do so. Education for All is important to me. I have such a hunger for those that are in disadvantaged places to first hear the Gospel and then to get an education. Teaching others how to be free in their minds and in their spirit is of upmost importantance to me. Seeing others soar and achieve their dreams is very fulfilling to me. I read everything from the Bible to Law review books. Singing, sailing, teaching, writing, traveling and looking at old westerns are the things I enjoy doing the most.
I'd Like To Meet My Saviour Jesus Christ & All Who Are Deligently Working To Up Build The Kingdom Of Our God And His Son.
Old Westerns and Movie Classics from the 40's-60's.
Heroes, Ugly Betty, CSI Miami, Jericho, Christian Television
My Book "SHUT THE DOOR IT IS WELL" $12.95 God said He would never leave us nor forsake us. Yet how many of us have felt abandon by Him at some point in our lives?Maybe you feel abandoned right now as you read this. Our greatest need is not for more information, but for a fresh revelation of who He is.He said that He would fill ours lives with Abundance and Joy. Does this mean we are exempt from troubles? No. It means He will be Joy to us in the midst of our sorrow.
Jesus Christ and my parents are my heroes