Promoting events at the Shire Hall,having a natter with interesting and interested folk,learning to play the guitar, but never quite getting around to it properly. My kids. Being true to what matters. click here to find out all things Howden Live - Diminishing returns equal dwindling enthusiasm and motivation, but!.....less = more?Look out for a possible rock/blues weekend in November...if the lovely arts council people give us some lolly...If nothing else we will have Geno Washington then...Hang on...can I feel a revival of interest?!
People with common ground, musicians, tech types, promoters, new audience members, anyone with nice as a middle name.One fantastic side effect of setting gigs up at The Shire Hall is that I get to meet all sorts of famous personages. Fantastic gig with The Sensational Alex Harvey for the last ever Cookridge gig, and I beat Zal Cleminson at pool! It doesn't get better than this!
Played Zoot Money the other night too....won the first game and lost the next two...never should have suggested best of three!!
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That horny old chestnut 'a bit of everything really' but mainly rock/blues/acoustic orientated stuff.Always had a bit of a problem with understanding why so many people seem to need to put label's on music and then judge it in a negative way, "Don't like this, don't like that" etc. Open ears = an open mind?..
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Not been to the pictures to see anything else but kids films for the last twelve years, but in a non-anorak kind of a way (honest!) Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings...
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The Magic Roundabout, errmm, Dr Who, bound to be more.
Tom Sharpe, Graham Greene, Roddy Doyle, music biogs.
Jean Paul Satre (but not for the last 30 years)...May remove this last bit...seems a bit wanky...
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Musical ones: Alex Harvey, Joe Strummer, Bruce Springsteen, Richard Thompson, Pete Townsend, my dad (he whistled a bit)
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