LightGarden profile picture


About Me

LightGarden are two experienced musicians, David Moss and Masha Kaestner. The igniting spark was a request to support two performances by Tibetan monks from the Tashi Lhunpo monastery, in October 2006. At these concerts, the combination of overtone chanting and church organ was born, which has touched audiences in a magical and unusual way ever since. Their music brings together many world influences along with classical training and their native folk / traditional roots in the music of UK, Ireland, Russia and Germany. Winners of a PRSF award for new and original music, LightGarden work from an intention to simply create the music which they feel connects to heart and body. They have performed at a range of venues and festivals including the Edinburgh Fringe, Rosslyn Chapel, Limetree Festival, York Fiesta, and at Musicport Festival. Their touring has been supported by the Arts Council.

My Interests


Member Since: 26/03/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: David Moss & Masha Kaestner
Influences: Vast and varied. Include: Laurie Anderson, Mostar Sevdah Reunion, Dimitry Kabalewski, Muszikas, Arvo Part, Romanian fiddle music, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Jethro Tull, J.S. Bach, Stranglers, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Planxty, The Cure, Ed Tudorpole, Brahms, Martin Stephenson, Sibelius, Reem Kelani, Fleet Foxes, Simon and Garfunkel, Jeff Buckley, Maria Callas, June Tabor, Velvet Underground, Neue Deutsche Welle, Die Toten Hosen, Einstuerzende Neubauten, Yat Kha, Altan, and ABBA (of course), to mention a few...
Sounds Like: magic - "Like nothing I've heard before." "Inspiring, dignified unsentimental love songs."
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

CD "Travelling Light" available online:, mailorder: [email protected]

CD Review - Travelling Light, from The Link Magazine 07/09 Created: 2009-11-09 6:03 David Moss (ex-Banoffi) was a PRS Foundation ATOM Award winner recen...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 04:52:00 GMT