About Me
- 19th March The 99% Complex -
"We are pleased to announce that The Montana Complex, is now 99% complete, we are ironing out takes, adding additional digital sounds, and rounding off the mix in general. Thank you for your support throughout the creation of CD, because we recorded at home it obviously has dragged on longer than if we were recording in a studio, but it has allowed us time to edit/chop and change everything perfectly to meet your eager expectations. Expect to see the CD artwork complete in the next couple of weeks, then the CD will be soon to follow!
We also have some new merch in the pipeline, t-shirts, stickers, pins, posters, and we will be dropping a monster deal with the CD to the first 100 people, so keep glued!
Also thanks to everyone who has taken the time to check out the MySpace exclusive track "Echoes Fall", it will be available to download when we can be assed!
Thanks for reading!
Post By Chris
- 21st January Marathon, Girl -
"We just posted a new track off our forthcoming album, it's repped to be the first track on the CD, its one of the more gripping of this new record and we felt we had to let you all hear it as its been a good 6months since we have started writing/recording. It's only a dry mix, some more levels and effects need to be applied, and obviously the audio needs to be mastered, but its very nearly there! - We will post a final version of another song, as soon as we get it 1000% done, but for now, let us know what you think of our new material!"
Thanks for reading!
Post By Chris
- 1st January Update -
"So, things have been pretty hectic. We haven't had the time in any day to put into words what has been going on with heresy of thieves.
We have been working on the new CD for the last 4 months now, couple days a week have been spent in the studio blasting out new parts/variations/overdubs and I have to say its shaping up nicely, perfectly infact. However it has taken us this long to update as we have all been busy in our personal lives. Guitarist Peet has recently been made a father to an incredible lil' son, and obviously time has had to been taken out to look after Connor, we are all so stoked for the Ryder family!
Back to the band a few line up changes have occurred...shortly after recording the drums for the new record our previous drummer the legend that is Sean has left the band to pursue another project who recently were featured on C4's MobileAct Unsigned competition, Out From Animals and we all wish him the up-most success.
Our previous bassist, the incredibly talented Matt and previous rhythm guitarist Tommy have also now left us during the recording process due to personal reasons, and musical differences. So this left myself and peet to decide if the new CD would still go ahead. After all this time we obvioulsy decided that it would be foolish to leave the Cd unfinished, so tried our best to find a new lineup. We have now came across the new three members who are all equally dedicated and determined to put everything they can towards this new CD.
Our new line up is now
Lee Dimelow - Drums
Paul Miller - Bass
Chris Drury (previous vocalist) - Guitars
Peet Ryder - Guitars
Mike Pilat (of The Ocean fame) - Vocals.
This new line up have all added a new twist, a new feel to Heresy Of Thieves. Expect a very different CD to the one you recently heard, we are all really happy with the production and the quality of the music we have recorded so far, and we damn close to getting it finished"!
Thanks for reading!
Post By Chris
- 20th August Drums -
"We have now started tracking at Mike Pilat ( The Ocean Bassist)'s home studio but with a hybrid of our gear..
ProTools LE on PC, digidesign 002 rack, Focusrite Octopre Platinum
Slingerland drumkit with single kick drum, pearl double pedal, one rack tom,
one floor tom, firecracker snare and a variety of zildjian cymbals and
Kick drum was mic'd with AKG D112,
Snare had 2 mics - sm58 underneath and AKG hypercardioid on top.
Toms were mic'd with AKG hypercardioids.
Overheads were 2 x AKG C1000's, one over either side of the
kit. nothing was triggered, all live drums.
We first tried putting the toms and overheads through mike's fostex analog
desk (pre-pro tools) but found it was a bit too treble-y so they ended up
(along with the kick and snare) through the focusrite octopre. We used the
Octopre's on-board compressors on the kick, snare and toms but the cymbals
went through un-compressed (all the octopre settings can be seen in the
pictures - the kick and toms were hammered, snare on 50%).
Everything on Protools was recorded dry, I add reverb and any extra EQ +
compression later using aux sends on pro tools.
We took about 20 hours (split over 4 sessions) to get 9 tracks of drums
down. Only one song was recorded in one take, the rest were recorded in
parts and edited together on pro tools.
We normally record to a metronome but all these songs were recorded
without...trying to get as organic a feel a possible.
I played rough guitar parts for Sean to play over to using the gear I record the
proper guitars with later...1993 Patrick Eggle Berlin (like, mad customised
hahaha), through Hush Systems Noisegate, through Sansamp GT2, straight into
I'll go more into depth on the guitar side of it when i start laying
guitars down for real. As I write this I'm off to collect my custom made
one of a kind Guitar that I've been waiting for 3 years to be built!
Matthew John Bascetta is the luthier.I designed the beast with and this shit is out
of this world...all you guitar geeks will be creaming over this shit.
There'll be pics of my customized eggle and the new one up when the write
up for guitar recording sessions is posted.
Thanks for reading, hopefully y'all hear 'The Montana Complex' very soon,
Post By Peet
If you want our BRAND NEW LOGO for flyers/posters or whatever, click
New Promo Video for "Marathon, Girl"