Uh...well! I'm a Cartoonist. Here is my real Blog http://undhandgezeichnet.blogspot.com
My Comics you can read in Zines like: Plop, cOMIc, Milk and Wodka, Murmel Comics, Hund Katze Wurst, Kaktus Magazine,Blutt and many more!
Comics and Rock'N'Roll
New Wave, Oldschool Punk, Electronic, Neue Deutsche Welle Underground and more...
Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, John Waters, Bruno Bozzetto, Tex Avery, Jacques Tati, Charles Chaplin, Helge Schneider, Wenzel Storch, Michel Gondry, Edward D. Wood Jr., ZAZ-Team (Airplane, Top Secret)Aki Kaurismaeki,Wes Anderson, Dieter Meier (the Videoclips!)...
Kottan ermittelt, Futurama, Danger Mouse and The Monty Phyton Flying Circus.
Heinz Strunk, Friedrich Glauser, Fritz Zorn, Friedrich Duerrenmatt and Charles Bukowski Comics: Chester Brown, Joe Matt, Lewis Trondheim, Nicolas Mahler, Fil, Winshluss
Crumb,Edward D. Wood Jr.,Groucho Marx,Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel!