Sex Workers Rights!!
Sex workers and sex worker allies! Sex workers of all stripes: women, men, transfolx, sex worker leaders or activists, people of color, immigrants, queers, gay guys, lesbians, bisexuals, disabled/differently-abled people, senior citizens and youth/young adults. We consider "sex workers" to include escorts, prostitutes, street workers, massage workers, exotic dancers, porn actors/actresses, professional SandM players, hustlers, those who have lived with the support of sugar-daddy or sugar-mama, who have had sex for housing/food/clothing, had sex for drugs, or had sex to get the money that you needed to survive.
Call for Papers for our conference!! Sex Work: Culture, Policy, & Benefits Desiree Alliance presents Sex Work: Culture, Policy, and Benefits Exploring the Lives of Sex Workers and their Diverse RealitiesA coalition of sex workers, social scientists, professional sex educators, scholars, health professionals and their supporting networks announce a Convergence in San Francisco, California, July 16th-19th, in conjunction with the San Francisco Sex Worker Arts and Film Festival, July 20-22 and additional events in San Francisco beginning July 14th.Please send proposals to: Avaren Ipsen [email protected](You can join the convergence organizing group and participate in the process by emailing [email protected])The conference portion of this convergence will bring together sex workers and sex worker advocates and allies interested in exploring sex work as a culture, the policies surrounding it, and benefits sex workers receive from their work. The goal is to acknowledge that sex work is a professional endeavor peopled by diverse individuals with diverse needs, cultures, and concerns. Presentations will take place on July 16th and 17th.We are open to all sex work related proposals, and specifically welcome all submissions and proposals having to do with these general concepts: sex worker art, culture, and creative endeavors; positive aspects of sex work; harms that result from bad or shortsighted policies; and benefits of current sex worker-friendly policies.We are eager to receive proposals from sex workers themselves (you do not have to publicly self-identify) , people of color, migrants, and all genders. Contributors may be sex workers, academics, and anyone else interested in contributing.Examples of topics for proposals are:--Violence against sex workers (Ipswich, Atlantic City, Brandy Britton, Lucy in OC, etc.) and how the laws contribute to this--Effects of sex work policies on specific communities: single mothers, people of color, migrant workers, and various genders--Sex worker art, culture, and creativity--Economic and social benefits of sex work (i.e., good job for single mothers, service to disabled community, etc.)--Transferable professional skills developed in sex work--Special forms of knowledge sex workers develop--Trends in sex work (internet: blogs, websites, review boards, etc; spiritual sex work; cooperative incalls; professional associations; bad client lists; screening; etc.)--Varieties of sex work and how they are approached, why they are chosen, and how they are lived--Personal stories from sex workers and/or their loved ones--Sex workers' relationships (family, love, and community)--How policies contribute to stigma--Possible legislative models (NZ, HI, etc.)Please send proposals to: Avaren Ipsen [email protected] for submissions: May 15 Confirmation by June 1st*. *If you require confirmation sooner than June 1st, please include that with your
All the sex workers the world over! Organizations working for sex worker rights: BAYSWAN, SWOP-USA, COYOTE, Best Practices Policy Project, International Union of Sex Workers