Safer Sex Satisfaction profile picture

Safer Sex Satisfaction

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4This is a community effort! Please donate any knowledge, time, articles and your myspace network to us. Let's keep everyone safe!Safer Sex Satisfaction (Triple SSS!) is a new MySpace profile designed to provide information, links, and tutorials on safer sex practices. Feel free to bring your stories and ideas to this profile. It is meant to give people a sex-positive, gender, orientation and sex practice-neutral place to learn and discuss safer sex in a community of others interested and practicing safer sex.We will be posting blogs focusing on specific topics and if you have any ideas of a topic you want explored feel free to email us! Coming soon:***The importance of getting tested, anonymous testing, and being honest with your sexual partner(s) about your sexual health and history.******Anatomy 101******Consent and Exploration******Polyamory: a safer option than cheating?***

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in consensual safer sex.We are currently accepting photographs of safer sex tools and you! Please send us sexy pictures featuring your tools that we can post here in an album. Remember since MySpace is a public, non-adult site, they must fall under the uploaded photograph regulations. Also, if you are living in the Nashville or Atlanta area, you can come to us as a model. We have two lady photographers that can help you out, or we can find another person that you would be more confortable with. Let us know!

My Blog

Safer Sex tips brought to you by Babeland!

Care and Cleaning:ForNon-porous Materials:*Glass should be washed with soap and water. Do not expose glass to extreme temperatures.*Pyrex, a heat-resistant glass, can be boiled, put in a dishwasher, o...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 23:10:00 GMT

Silent Alarms by Jules Charlemagne

Silent AlarmsPracticing safe sex goes beyond using a barrier to prevent fluid exchange. Safe sex also means protecting yourself against that small percentage of the population that might mean you harm...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:48:00 GMT

Dental Dams Photo Tutorial!

Dental dams were originally designed for use in dental procedures. They can be used to help reduce your risk of transmission of STI's and HIV. Although the risk is lower with oral sex, it is still v...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 10:40:00 GMT

Where do I get safer sex supplies??

There are many places to find safer sex supplies. You can find condoms and lube at most drug stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations, public bathrooms, public health centers, student health ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:49:00 GMT

How to make safety sexy and comfortable for you.

--Examine and play with your safety tools by yourself or with your partner to get used to the way they look and feel before using them in a sexual situation.--Try incorporating your safety tools into ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:35:00 GMT