Lukasz Szalankiewicz (alias ZENIAL) - residence now in Krakow : historian , sound desinger and contemporary electronic music composer. Member of the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (PSeME). Participated in many international festivals ( Austria, Russia, Bulgaria, Germany,Holland, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Ukraine,France,Israel,China,Kazachstan,Per
u,Hungary,Belorus). Performed in Poland in Audio Art Festival, Unsound Festival , Contemporary Art Centre Bunkier Sztuki (Cracow), Kordegarda Gallery (Warsaw), Contemporary Art Centre (Laboratorium,Warsaw), Contemporary Art Laznia (Gdansk) , Contemporary Art Gallery Arsenal (Bialystok) , Contemporary Art Gallery (Wroclaw) and many other places...His practice extends to research audiovisuals performance and interactive installations...
Palsecam is a project of polish composer Lukasz Szalankiewicz who's main
focus in finding the most effective ways to transgress and unit various
stylistic radical in one results often in the unexpected outcomes " : From
INFORMATION via DISINFORMATION to OBSERVATION (emission) of final result.
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