General Instrument AY-3-8910 / AY-3-8912- soundchip of ZX Spectrum (then Yamaha produced it under a licence, as YM2149 used in ATARI ST).
The chip provides stereo sound in 3 channels (left, right & stereo-base in the middle). It generates square waves & white noise (it gives 4 channels of sound on ZX Spectrum BUT then white noise hasn't its own volume and must take volume from one of square waves).
I managed to play 5 channels of sound on AY (WITHOUT any CPU's activity) only by proper synchronizing (or should I say _desynchronizing_) AY's 'buzzer' effect.
Instead of synthetix, the AY chip is able to give us 3 channels of digital/sampled sound in quality of 4-bit (check out the "tape-recorder" player on the right side of this page; songs: "DIG IT!" and "INDUSTRIAL F*CKING part 2").
The best ZX SPECTRUM music composer - Tim Follin.
THIS IS MY IDIOTIC ANIMATION/COMEDY (my anim, music, screenplay etc) entitled: "LITTLE GREEN MUTHAFUCKA". IMPORTANT: The Green's text at the end of the film means: "HE-HE, FUCK!!! I'M SO FUCKING SMART!!". :)
It's my the newest idiotic animation for ZX Spectrum 48Kb, made in mighty BASIC coding-language, hahah. ;)
I play micromusic / chiptunes / lo-fi / low-tek.
SF, fantasy, horror. And anime. And also idiotic cartoons, like Cow & Chicken.
yes, I remember that stuff. Kinda cubic thing. With antenna or sommit. Or maybe it was hair...?
SF, fantasy, horror.
Heroes...? Well, I know several of them - Superman, Batman, Spawn, Punisher, Lobo, Cpt. America, Spiderman, Ghost Rider... ENUFF!?!?
But the greatest hero *ever* is undoubtedly - Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation StarShip ENTERPRISE! :) :) And Doctor Who. :) Dunno who of them both is better. :) Pick one.