I am the Most famous Composer of the Baroque Period!... Well, Me and Vivaldi!! I was born on Feb. 23rd 1685 in Halle, Germany, the same year as Bach! My father had wanted me to be a lawyer but I Refused! I secretly studied music in my head and played in secret on a harpsichord that i found in the attic!! (But that was the Only thing I did in Private, I wasnt gay, well not that I can remember. I didnt have a wife either, but that was because of my Bad temper!!)I now play the Harpsichord and the Violin! Well not talk about my days at the Halle University but I did have some good times with the opera. I enjoyed it so much I did write a few operas, and MESSIAH along with many other Oratorios!
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Member Since: 5/6/2006
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A Real Bio, not By Me!!
Georg Friederich Händel was born in 1685, a vintage year indeed for baroque composers, in Halle on the Saale river in Thuringia, Germany on February 23rd.
From Germany to England via Italy.
Though ... Posted by George Friedrich Handel on Wed, 10 May 2006 06:11:00 PST