When it comes to enjoying the company of other people, what matters to me is not how many copies of their latest album people around me have sold, but what kind of human beings they are.
I always knew that the world was rich, full of treasures, beautiful souls and talented people. I've been lucky to have met and worked with countless creative, interesting and inspiring people from around the world. At this point I would still love to meet anyone who is artistically fulfilled, active and successful. And I think no-one has defined success better than Steve Vai did once: "It is being satisfied with who and what you are and what you do. Successful people don't let anything depress them; they get depressed, fix it and move on".
So any successful musician, producer, sound engineer, writer, editor, visual artist or designer is welcome as a friend. People I don't have time for are bench-sitting cynics, apathetic procrastinators, and parasites who exploit and drain talent. You know who you are - gold-diggers, hangers on, dishonest weasely managers, tabloid sensation mongers and other forms of low life. If those didn't exist, there would be much more great art around.
Rock and blues: everything from Robert Johnson to Marilyn Manson. My favourite bands are Led Zeppelin, Cliff Burton's Metallica, the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Ratt.
Pulp Fiction, Midnight Cowboy, Easy Rider... I'm not really that much into movies. I guess I prefer art forms that are more abstract.
South Park
My favourite book hands down is The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. I'm also a big fan of Ray Bradbury, Ken Kesey, Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut and Edgar Allan Poe. These are all American writers, but this is honestly not the criterion that I'm led by when I decide what I like. That's a bit weird though because almost all of my favourite musicians are American as well...
I've had a few short stories published, most of them about music and musicians and what happens when creative ambition meets the corporate world.
Robbin Crosby who remained the best human being he could possibly be in the face of extreme adversity, illness and poverty. RIP.