I am a very well bred animal. I don't mean I am pure bred, I mean well bred, as in there is something inherent that lends to my perfection of character, physical form and countenance.One of my main interests is eating high quality gourmet food. I am a food sampler. I like to taste pretty much anything at least once. Sometimes I just lick the food, but other times I'll take whole bites. Food to me is like fine wine to snooty bastards. So, I guess I could be perceived of as my being a snooty bastard where food is concerned. Some of my other interests are laying around, being smothered in love, and playing with felt catnip mousies. I love cat toys, but NO FUR TOYS! Fur is wrong!I love to go for walks on a leash with my mom. I love this picture!There are some cats who want to take over the world!I just want to be loved!Though I do fantasize about being a Gangster!
Cats and dogs. I love any critters that are sweet and let me love them!