Earl Grey missin Dooders and Mr. Brutus profile picture

Earl Grey missin Dooders and Mr. Brutus

Grey is the way!

About Me

I'm the fat grey kitty. I am super fat and lovable. I am so tubby I waddle, but I am dead sexy. I just turned 9 years old. I am all about the love! I love my people, my other kitties, and my two doggies. I have more love to give. I could love you!Summer fun!

My Interests

I am a very well bred animal. I don't mean I am pure bred, I mean well bred, as in there is something inherent that lends to my perfection of character, physical form and countenance.One of my main interests is eating high quality gourmet food. I am a food sampler. I like to taste pretty much anything at least once. Sometimes I just lick the food, but other times I'll take whole bites. Food to me is like fine wine to snooty bastards. So, I guess I could be perceived of as my being a snooty bastard where food is concerned. Some of my other interests are laying around, being smothered in love, and playing with felt catnip mousies. I love cat toys, but NO FUR TOYS! Fur is wrong!I love to go for walks on a leash with my mom. I love this picture!There are some cats who want to take over the world!I just want to be loved!Though I do fantasize about being a Gangster!

I'd like to meet:

Cats and dogs. I love any critters that are sweet and let me love them!

My Blog

The diet has failed

For those of you who are wondering, I've not lost a single pound.  I might have even gained half a pound or so.  The trouble is, I am a nibbler.  And mommy can't say no to me.  She...
Posted by Earl Grey on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:09:00 PST

I am on a diet.

Mom and Dad decided to put me on a diet and I even love the new food I am on.  It's adult formula Iams and they are controling how much I get each day.  It took a couple weeks for me to get ...
Posted by Earl Grey on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:22:00 PST

mom really screwed up!

Lately, mommy has been making some really interesting but weird food.  I like unique stuff, so this is sort of good, but some of the things she's making are just out there!  She always lets ...
Posted by Earl Grey on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:11:00 PST