Billy Bob profile picture

Billy Bob

living entropy - the natural tendency toward disorder

About Me

my name is billy bob and i'm fluffy on the outside and the inside. some people say i'm just for looks, but i'd like to think i have brains. i'm very sociable and love to get attention. i like to look out windows and go outside whenever possible. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

lay on kitchen chairs and table, nap on futon, vigorous litter box scratching, cute but dumb, eat my kernels, toy hog, clumpenoptomies, sniff catnip, stand over vents so my fluff blows everywhere (i'm a supermodel). I also like to look out windows and knock stuff over and then play with it. i enjoy laying on paper, and rustling plastic and paper bags in the morning. hiding out in cardboard boxes and grocery bags is the best! my favorite place to sleep is in the bathroom sink!


well, you know, anything goes.


Kitty at my foot

movies with kitties in them


animal planet


eh..don't really read


Humpy Dumpy 'cause he's the alpha male. baxter and monster d. cat