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Bis forBouncy
Iis forImpassioned
Lis forLovesick
Lis forLively
Yis forYummy What Does Your Name Mean?Furriends Around the World - Create your own map. Click here!Who am i:
- i'm billy
i'm a lazy cat
i'm 9 years old
my mommy's best friend found a little kitten of only 2 weeks old in the woods .. she knew that my mommy had just lost her cat. So she asked if she wanted another cat .. mommy went to see me and she couldn't say no to that cute black little kitten with blue eyes. I'm happy they found me cause now i'm spoiled to death, i don't know what would have happend with me if they hadn't found me there in the woods.
the vet is always saying i'm too fat, but i don't care, i'm happy the way i am. i bet that stupid guy don't even know what he's talking about! anyway, i don't trust him
i'm a pro at begging for food, no one can resist me .. they always give me a little
my best friend is Claude, he's the coolest goldfish i know (ok i admit, he's the only one i know). *but my good fishfriend claude passed away the 30th august 2006, we'll miss him
i'm cool and friendly
i easily trust people
every holiday i go to france with the whole family .. i can run free in my grannys garden, cause there are no cars there
you can almost always find me in Sophie's bedroom, it's the place to be!
i love catching mice
i love waking my mommy up at 6am to cuddle a little
i love being in the center of attention
i love it when people scratch my neck, or the little place just above my tail is great too .. i purr like a crazy when they do that
i love sitting on mommy's lap when she's watching a movie
i love catching bugs
i love sitting on mommy's books when she has to study
i love it when people take pictures of me
i love it when mommy takes me to the woods
i love sleeping on mommy's bed
i love hiding in mommy's wardrobe
i'm scared of young childeren they always pull my tail and scream when they see me
i hate it when mommy is listening to San's "Punk-O-Rama" cd's ... that music is way too loud for me
one of my biggest fears are cars, i hate them! Oh and i also hate water, so i never shower.
i hate thunderstorms .. they're scary
A Survey for Pets!
What type of pet are you? A great pet
What is your name? Calinou but you can call me billy
What other nicknames do you have? billy, bill, billyboy, jan,...
What is your favorite treat? Premium Edel Cat Sticks
What would your owner describe you as? lazy, easy to love, cute
What is the funniest thing you have done? wrap myself in toilet paper
What is the bravest thing you have done? kill mice
Yes or No
Are you neutered? yes
Are you a social animal? yeah, but i don't like dogs
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? if i'm not sleeping or eating
Are you friendly? very friendly, don't like to fight
Are you overweight? haha ;)
Do you like warm milk? nope not warm, and i'm not allowed to drink cold milk
Do you eat cheese? yeah
Do you eat bugs? if i can catch them
Do you live with other animals? yeah, a goldfish
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? yeah, i like sleeping in Sophies room
Do you like to exercise? not really
Do you like car rides? i sleep the whole ride then, i always go to france
Do you get into stuff? i knock stuff over
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? of course
Do you like to swim? i hate water, it's wet
Do you chase laser pen dots? i chase everything that moves .. when i'm awake
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? sure :)