GiVe aVEraGe peOpLe A ChaNCe tO UnderStAnd theIR MeanInG On eaRth With tHe heLp of MuSic, VideOs, thEatrE , etC.. aNd nOt bY pOlItiCs
aRtiSTs fROm anY bAcKgroUnDs
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
CaptaIn BeefHeaRt, smOg, paVemEnt, jImi heNdriX, niCK draKe, sOniC yOuth, bLoNde rEdheAd, deFtOnes (the first 3 albums), MetaLliCa, sLaYer, godSpEed yOu bLacK empeRoR, dJ kRuSh, s.O.d., aLicE in cHainS , sWeLl, peaRl JaM, The rOlLing StoneS, catHedRal, PantERa, ZerO 7, nIrVaNa, leOnaRd cOheN, faIth nO moRe, biOhazaRd, AgnoStic frOnT, thE ramOnes, the BeatLes, bOb dYlan, Sun Ra, RefuSed, nApaLm dEath, feAr faCtoRy, Iam, Dj ShadoW, mOgWai, piNk floYd, dJ vadiM, Dj Cam, geNe vIncEnt, tHe BeaCh boYs, tOol, jOhnNy caSh, tHe doOrs, bEethOven, LtJ bUKem, bOb maRleY aNd thE WaIleRs, naNcY SinAtRa, The stOogeS, tHe KiNks, Otis rEadIng, bUck 65, WaShinGton dEad catS, RadIoHead, cOcOrOsie, coUnt basIe, ElYsian fIeldS, brISa roChé, bJorK, Cat poWer, atArI teEnagE riOt, aLec eMpiRe, niC endO, jOhnnY aNd thE rOcCos, elLiotT sMith, biRdY Nam nAm, Le peUple dE L'heRbe, kId KoaLa, dIlLiNja, groOveRideR, JerRy lEe LeWis, joY diVisIon, thE cUre, gRaNdaddY, sCoRn,nOn fIctiOn, RadiObOmb.....
BOn aPpetIt biEn sUr
...a lOt...
MEre THereSa, dR fraNk-n-fUrteR, DaRk moBson, jefFreY "tHe dUde" LebOwSki