El Burnerino "Footsteps" this rocks! I really dig this guys work! Playing one side off against the other, in bed with everyone - fabulous stuff man!
Putting the pride back into being Scottish! "They fought like warrior poets, they fought like Scotsmen and won their freedom!" Just hope we can beat The Faroe Islands tonight or we'll look like a right bunch of twats that's for sure!
PARTY TIME! Smog, Magnolia, Jason Molina, Dylan, Nick Drake, Radiohead, Motorhead, Slayer, Naplam Death, Pantera, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep (very eavy), King Crimson, Focus, Can, Van der Graff Generator, Yes, The Doors,The Who, Don't Look Back, H-Burns, Bad Chickens Inc, Cyann & Benn The Velvet Underground & Lou Reed, The Stones,Sex Pistols, Clash, The Damned,P.I.L, Jesus & Mary Chain, Syd Barret/Pink Floyd, Sonic Youth, Joy Division,Buzzcocks,The Fall, Pavement.... The Fire Engines, Josef K, Orange Juice ( cause they're all Scottish and dead good too!) If you don't like my music, get your own f**king cab..!
Kubrick - 2001, Dr Strangelove etc...Martin Scorcese, War films - The Longest Day, The Great Escape etc...Big Lebowski, High Fidelity, Shaun of the Dead,
don't have one!
According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:
Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!
music biographies, Johnny Cash, Lemmy, Dylan Chronicles, John Peel, Uptight, The story of The Velvet Underground...are my most recent reads
Ollie & his family, The West Yorkshire Police & The Leeds Dental Hospital...lots of love Dad xx