Vomit The Soul profile picture

Vomit The Soul


About Me

Lookie I finally got rid of the I hate everything Cliff Yablonski Quote.
Myspace... A great way to kill some time and I will Tell
You it is an amazing Idea, Ive come across some great bands and found some old freinds from years back which is awesome,but OH MY FUCKING GOD some of you take this so serious!!!! These stupid fucktards ''I only add people I know'' ''bands dont add me I wont accept you'' Or you get bored see some profiles and randomly add them they msg you back giving you shit for adding them . PEOPLE ITS A FUCKING NETWORKING SITE!!!! For checking out new music and meeting new people is it not??? Go to your fucking yahoo chat rooms ,you do not need to be on here,its waaayyy to crouded and taking up server space go fuck yourself you self centered attention whores. Go take some more pics in the bathroom and post em why dont ya

Have a nice Day :)
Oh and by the way EVERYONE feel free to add me especially Bands
Buy the new Rotting shirt:
(click for more info or to buy)

My Interests


I am the one who hollers for the band Rotting

I'd like to meet:

Elvis's Rotting Corpse
Don Vito
SD Special Delivery Jones
The dude down the road who looks like Lemmy always working on his car
Bob Barker
Jesus Christ so I can shake my head at him and walk away telling him ''Shame Shame''
Tie Domi


Barnes Era Cannibal Corpse
Anal Cunt
Accidental Suicide
The Meatmen
Bolt Thrower
Dead Infection
Butcher ABC
Christ Inversion
Nickelback ;)
Vital Remains
Waco Jesus
Hank III
The Mentors
Dayglo Abortions
Six Feet Under
Anal Blast
Morbid Angel
Lynyrd Skynyrd
ZZ Top
Cryptic Slaughter
At War
Guns n Roses
David Allan Coe
Johnny Cash


Toxic Avenger
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Rise and Fall of ECW
The Island
Lampoons Euro Vacation
Driller Killer
Student Bodies
The Omen
I cant beleive I took it in the ass 1 through 16
Death Metal Zombies
13 Ghosts
Last Man on Earth and anything else with Mr Price
Devils Rejects
Bloodsucking Freaks
Meet the Feebles

Any and all Zombie Movies!!!!!


Definetly not fucking anything much music plays or that gay ass loud channel


Anything Wrote by Mick Foley
The Holy Bible what a great fictionous book it is


My Vocal Influences

Chris Barnes
Jorgen Sandstrom
Tesco Vee
Billy Milano
Glen Benton
Chris Reifert
Tom Araya
The Cretin
El Duce
John Tardy

My Blog

So Ebay is banning Black Metal

HAHAHAHAHHFucking stupid no brained christians pulling at a few more strings for their dead religion..Thats right fuck freedom of speech  and fuck freedon of expression.I fucking loathe religion ...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

Music Elitists of any genre of music

Are very boring people in general. Do they eat the same thing,drink the same thing and have a  sheduale to met every day   YAAAWWWNNNNNNNI find elitists to be more sheep then the trendoids....
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:46:00 PST

Femalers with the name Gore Whores on myspace

there is 15 million of you 
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:35:00 PST

My current top 10 bands / musical artists

Always changes but this is right now.Slayer - My fav band now and always has been Johnny Cash - Not a band Wagon Jumper here always loved the man and his music the new one Rick Rubin just put out is a...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:49:00 PST

Random current pet peeves

people that dont use their signal lights. Seriously people FUCK OFF. i got a cab driver pulled over from a cop last week but thats another story haha.ok this is NOT racist because its not just visible...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:36:00 PST

Having a private profile, what the fuck are you hiding?

Alright I understand younger kids on this having them but what is the purpose of having your profile private? Mannnn do fucking people take this shit serious. Kinda like the morons who only add people...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 02:34:00 PST

something I've noticed about most people closeminded into metal

Not all but they are usually newbies or kids. Hey we all get into it at sometime or another but ubber elitists are fucking idiots. Who cares what someone else listens to.So I like other stuff thats no...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:41:00 PST

Bands on Myspace that need to Accept you first as a friend

Oh holy fuck just when I thought I saw it all here hahahaha Way to fucking promote your stupid ass bands fuckheads hahahahah
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 06:26:00 PST

I'm not always all doom and gloom read on

Things that make me happy..The new Rebel Meets Rebel cd I have not drank over 100 beers to!!!The new Deicide,Slayer and Satyricon Cds out now or soon . Yaaaa Yaa they arent Ubber underground suck my d...
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 07:08:00 PST

People who say they hate corporations and use Myspace

HAHAHAHAHAHMyspace isnt a mom and pop ran corner store you fucking twits. Ever see who actually owns it? Fucking Morons
Posted by Vomit The Soul on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 11:25:00 PST