fellbootin profile picture


'get downt fell marra'

About Me

ah gaas fell bootin' like marra, downt fells ont car boot, the yan ahm usin t'moment a purler, 1983 merc 220d saloon eh, classy like.ah gets up them fells an ah hurl mesel down em, ont me craft, ar ye wid us

My Interests

ahv telt yer, it's fell bootin fer me, an fettlin ah like t'fettle

I'd like to meet:

enyyan oo's top crack, like me marras eh..


ahm in t'sound ev metal ont'grass en styen reet now


me own, ahv yer sin em yet?it's calld 'fell bootin'




boot on styan. brakken delites. saloon boots art best.


thez mesel, an me boot

My Blog

bran' new footage

OH! watch me new vid! tis best bootin footage yev iver sin   i think the bar has bin raised
Posted by fellbootin on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:43:00 PST


ahm gaain up fell t'morro, ahz tekkin me boot wid us, an ahm gunna hurl mesel downt fell, ah'll git back ter yer wid footage, shud be betta then that last shite marras.   word t'the mar...
Posted by fellbootin on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:24:00 PST


whilst composing a mail to a companion of mine i broke into a bout of spontanious english, i've preserved it here for keepsakes, this may be a rare moment of clarity. (for those of you unhappy with th...
Posted by fellbootin on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:49:00 PST

ahm gurna tel yer the crack

tis my dooty t'tell yer all bout fell bootin, y'v got ter give it a gan, it'll tek ovr t'world, iveryyan'll b'jarin it, that's my ultrafuture. (fer now)
Posted by fellbootin on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:09:00 PST