Acting, writing, old Hollywood and music. I'm also into self-help books and teaching.
Esther and Jerry Hicks and their friends:
One of the funniest songs I know of is by my partner Chuck Pelletier called "It's All About Me" from our musical "The Green Room."
It's perfect for cabaret singers!
The sheet music can be bought at Hollywood Sheet Music at Sunset Blvd. (323) 850-1075.
The song won the Songwriter's Guild of America award for best song in musical catagory!
This is Karen Volpe singing the song at the workshop performance.
It's All About Me
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My favorite movies are: Grease, Harold and Maude, Color Purple, Beaches, Star is Born (Judy version)
A long, long time ago...when I was blonde...I was in this video! See if you can find me!
My favorite childhood book was "Wrinkle in Time" my favorite adult book is "The Artist's Way" I am an avid reader coz it goes hand in hand with writing.
My heroes are: My partner Chuck, Ruth Gordon, Bette Davis, Karen Carpenter, Olivia Newton-John, Curious George, Myself, Judy Garland, Woody Allen, Dixie Chicks, JarJar Binks