Ray Davies' lyrical universe, reinvention, retarded intellects, monthly marsupial massacres, short-shorts, bacon, cool modern furniture, cities, walking, steel bikes and Bendex hubs, AAC codecs, capiz shells, Rya rugs, and Red Stripe.
From a May 22, 1941, diary entry by Allen Ginsberg, then 14 years old:Began writing to (I suppose) satisfy my egotism. My writing has improved (slightly). A lot happened since I first entered notes in this book and stopped. I got a $2 a week position beginning September 1941 as Central High School columnist for Paterson Evening News. I'm running for treasurer of the Student Government Association. Haven't too good a chance. Am counting on my father's name and a lot of people who know me but not vice versa. Don't mind my succession of different thoughts. I have a lot to say. As I said, I am writing to satisfy my egotism. If some future historian or biographer wants to know what the genius thought and did in his tender years, here it is. I'll be a genius of some kind or other, probably in literature. I really believe it. (Not naively, as whoever reads this is thinking.) I have a fair degree of confidence in myself. Either I'm a genius, I'm egocentric, or I'm slightly schizophrenic. Probably the first two. By the way, I'm an atheist and a combination of Jeffersonian Democrat and Socialist Communist. I don't agree with Communist foreign policy and dictatorship. Also, to satisfy my egotism (and for the benefit of future historians) I'm outlining and giving my opinion on every book I read hereafter. I'm a lover of classical music and like some swing. Started to compose my own piano concerto. Succeeded in getting introduction and main theme, about 25 bars, and didn't have patience to finish. What I have is excellent. I like Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert--long list. I prefer rhapsodies, overtures, piano concertos, and a few suites and dances. Wagner too. I weigh 95 lb., by the way, and am comparatively fragile. I'm coming through a stage of puberty and new horizons are opening up, though I can remember the baser emotions since I was about seven. In a modified way, of course. I'm capable of almost anything. Well, if I'm equipped to do things, why not? I suppose I'm a coward, because I haven't exercised my beautiful theories. By the way, the lock on this diary is broken because I lost the key a few years ago. I am no longer bored by life in general (as mentioned in previous year) because of my extracurricular activities. I haven't the time to be bored.
LED ZEPPELIN.David Bowie's "Hunky Dory", Queen's "A Night at the Opera", Moondog, King Tubby, Larry Levan, Monk, Ornette, New Order, Bird, Elmo Hope, Rashan Roland Kirk's "The Inflated Tear", early John Cage, Luke Vibert, Mr. Zimmerman, Mento/Ska/Rocksteady/Dub, Louis Armstrong's Hot Five's and Seven's, Ramones, D'angelo, Nina Simone, Rod Stewart's voice (The Faces), The Kinks (duh), EPMD, Aphex Twin's "Analord" 12" series, good House, Richard Davis' bass palying on Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks" just hurts me, anything on the Blood And Fire label, Harry Smith's "Anthology of American Folk Music", VU, Animal Collective, and did I mention King Tubby? Well, King Tubby.
Night of the Hunter. Killer of Sheep. Turk 182.
Quit in 1991.
Ullysses, of course. Please Kill Me. The Rest is Noise. Growth of the Soil.
Leisure, heat, sound, persuance.