Nora profile picture


Bear, Bear burning bright. In the forests of the night....

About Me

I like music, comic books, Indian buffets, bicycles, art, goats and other such oddities.

My Interests

I do Computer Graphics for my real job. I am a Mac Sort of Girl with cross platform capabilities on Commodore 64's.

I'd like to meet:



Today I like Mountain Goats, Supertramp, Caroliner, Argent, and The Pixies.


I love Donnie Darko, Eraserhead, Twin Peaks the TV Series, and Fire Walk With Me. I also love Muholland Drive.


I have found that the easy way to smash a televison is to drop it from a three story house.
You can also use a sledgehammer.


I love Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, it is about a world where Canada and US are at war and there is a video floating around that all you have to see is a few seconds of it and you never can walk, talk, move again. It mesmerizes you to death. So the government is after it.
And Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon, which is about WWII and an officer who is an "sex oracle" and wherever he has sex, within a week the axis bombs that location.
And anything by the late, great master, Philip K Dick
Shout out to Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman.


Akira & Riddley Walker