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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hmmm...a bit about me. Well, I'm 30 now and who would have thought my life to this point would have been so crazy! I have a job that I really do love (we make statues!) and it keeps me out of trouble. I'm slowly in the process of getting my place the way I want it. Even though I do kinda live in the ghetto I still love my place! I have 3 kitties and I love them to death. They can be quite amusing. I'm working on losing weight and getting healthy after that whole cancer thing...That's really about M. M. would say I am just LIVIN!I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!So this part is for my friends...If I've been distant or flakey lately please don't take it to heart...I'm just trying to spare ya'll from the daily crappiness of my life right now. I'm working on being a better friend. I've just gotten use to ya'll depending on me so it's hard for me to show that I'm actually not as strong as ya'll think I am.Last but never my family I love you guys! To my little bro...You're the best bro a big sis could ever have and that's fab in my book. I'm super proud of you and love you loads.I may not always share a ton of myself, but I always listen and offer a shoulder to those who need it.Much love, hugs & smooches to all... ElliePS. A very dear friend's mom is very ill so if ya'll can pray for her that would mean the world to me

My Interests

Reading, writing, music, cooking...having fun w/my peeps! I'm a huge fan of tattoos and have 10 myself. You can see pics of mine here. Also, if you are in Chicago and want a great artist you should definately check out Imperial Tattoos in my top friends! Bullet is awesome at what he does!

I'd like to meet:

Diff peeps for diff stuff. Anyone that can hook me up with a part time job on the weekends only?!?!?


80's, Prince, UK's finest DJ's, I love all kinds of music...that's why there are tons of bands on my friend list. If you're on here that means I actually like your tunes and support your talent.These are musical peeps I think are wicked awesome! Check them out in my top friends! The Real Matt Jones (The new CD is available!); John Nathaniel; (If u luv UK mixes as much as I do you will luv this).

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Anything John Hughes, Romance, Comedy, Historic/Epic movies.


BBC America, Food Network, VH1, Top Chef, Thursday nights on NBC.


I'm always reading a ton of stuff. Right now I'm working on the complete works of Jane Austen, Born Standing Up & Lamb:The Gospel According to Biff; Christ's Childhood Pal.


My friends and have all shown me such amazing love and strength over the past few months.Take On Me by A-ha
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My Blog

Best news ever!!!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ok it is official...I am in remission!!! I want to thank everyone for all of their love and support. I know I wouldn't have been able to get throught this with out it...ya...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:27:00 PST

An Ellie update...

Ok, my peeps, so I just wanted to say thank God...I had my last round of radiation this weekend!!!’s about time! Thank you so much to all of you that have been supportive through this w...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:20:00 PST

Update on cancer & treatment...

Ok, so I got my results from my biopsy & tests from last week back...It was great news! I’ve had a 97% decrease in cancer cells from my last round of testing in January. So, the doctors...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:25:00 PST

Smiles wanted

Hey y'all! So, life has been pretty crazy the past 6 months. I know I haven't been myself and I really am working on that. I had an interesting week. It was super busy and stressful, but some good ca...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:02:00 PST

New Treatment

Ok, boys and girls, the new treatment is kinda radical. I know that some of you are more curious than others so if you want to know the deal just let me know and I will email you the details. The bas...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:04:00 PST

The results are in...

So, after all of the tests and the surgery the results are in and the past 3 months of treatment and hell I put myself through were worthless. Absolutely no change to the cancer cells at all! On the u...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST

Shadows ahead...

This is really more of a rant than a blog...Just some crap I need to get out of my head so I can try to sleep...  As I get closer to the 28th I find that I am quite scared. I put so much ene...
Posted by shy_and_spunky on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:28:00 PST