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I am here for Friends

About Me

...."Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated." - Albert Einstein ....

Now, it seems, in this wonderful age of light, love, and consciousness that the internet is bringing light to the dark, giving that invisible community a much greater profile! (Click any of the gold text above for other Einstein Quotes from HeartMath ) ....

Click on the image above for other inspirational quotes from the HeartMath Institute!

A Low-Budget, 4-Minute Video Makes the Strongest Case I Have Seen for the Magnitude of This Crisis Gary North Printer-Friendly Format

January 26, 2009

This is an ad. I have never seen a more powerful video ad. It merely promotes a web site. How it promotes it!

This video drives home a point: we have entered a new era. We have just barely entered it. Our world will not be the same for much longer.

This is what a home-brew video can do. After seeing it, you may have doubts about the financial media. They never explained things this way.

If you know someone who could benefit from this, email this page. I am opening this to the public. It is that important.
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NAPTOWN RAW - BRINGING TOGETHER RAW FOODISTS IN INDIANAPOLIS by Naptown Raw Group, Indianapolis, IN (other raw foodists are always invited to contribute!!)

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NAPTOWN RAW - BRINGING TOGETHER RAW FOODISTS IN INDIANAPOLIS by Naptown Raw Group, Indianapolis, IN (other raw foodists are always invited to contribute!!)

Namaste fellow souls of “Or” (light in Hebrew). Hmm... me :) well I am A TRUE RENAISSANCE MAN (ShekhinatAhava, Passion8FreeSpirit, ShekhinahvAhava, Vagabunn, Sababaqi, JewishFeetBuddhistWings, Shekhinati, Pshn8indy) ( Adahm ) (well, maybe not exactly "true," but I am all over the place, so that kind of qualifies me)! But, wow! Where to start? I am always a work in progress, and, as such, will always thrive on positive and enlightened change. Let's start w/some of the questions, about which, it seems, many who write want to know. .... ....

First, "what do [I] do for a living?" I am probably least defined by what I have done for a living so far in life; but, if pressed, I would state that I am a insatiable student, jack-of-all-trades, and currently back in school studying Anthropology and Nutrition, preparing myself for graduate school of some sort. I am thinking of Medical or Nutritional Anthropology, or Naturopathic Medicine, or some other holistic medicine. I am also very open to more metaphysical endeavors as well. I am working toward a second degree now; in my first I majored in Jewish Studies (particularly modern Jewish history, ....Zionism...., ....Israel...., ....Middle East...., etc), History, and had minors in Philosophy (which may become a major in my second degree), Psychology, and Hebrew. ........

Second, "why [am I] on myspace or a “dating” site?" I answer this by saying that I am NOT seeking a date or anything in particular, as I am not really missing anything in particular (at least insofar that a date will provide). I am open to seeing whom the universe puts on my path (or onto whose path it may put me) for whatever reason. To reiterate, I am open, not seeking a date or a traditional relationship. I do, however, consider myself able to grow from and appreciate all types of people. Some might call me a spiritual and philosophical fisherman of love ( ahava ) baiting his metaphorical hook in this paragraph to embrace the beings of love and light who swim by, nibble (and please feel free to nibble away), and jump into my boat . ........

Third, "what [am I] looking for?" See above: I am open to unique, enlightening, intelligent, curious, passionate, and (if wanting something more serious) understanding, compassionate, nurturing and deeply loving individuals who care about the universe, starting w/themselves-- but also deeply about others!!--and someone to whom the principles of social justice, learning, teaching, living in the world of ideas and action, making the world a better place ( tikkun olam ), and most importantly love, light, and consciousness, are ESSENTIAL to their path in life. Also, for obvious reasons I don't go on "dates" per se (or do the dating games), I prefer getting to know someone, platonically first, in a variety of settings--mostly very comfortable settings—and seeing where the universe takes us (though I will not necessarily ignore chemistry if there). ........

I am very attracted to intelligent, intellectual, educated, but even more importantly SPIRITUAL, CURIOUS, PASSIONATE, and AWARE women who believe in making the world a better place and not necessarily taking the path of least resistance (though at times that is a necessary alternative). At the same time, I tend to do better with nurturers, intellectuals, spiritualists, and activists (but not propagandistically so). This does not mean I am not open to someone with a very different set of beliefs and values. Also, if you have curly or very curly long, flowing hair, fabulous eyes ( esp blue), soft radiant skin, a dreamlike touch, or a gorgeous smile, then please say hi (though your inner and radiant light will be much more important !!! ). ........

Health is very important to me. I still eat meat and animal products (very little), but am evolving into more of a live and raw-food vegan nutritional philosophy and, gradually, lifestyle (probably 95% vegetarian, 80% vegan, and about 50-60% raw currently). I am trying to get much more in touch with my intuitive, emotional, and loving self and balance/temper the uber -rational, left-brained, reptilian self that seems to been manifest in earlier periods of my life. I don’t consume pharmaceuticals, stopped long ago, and minus a recent accident, haven't been to a doctor in roughly 10 years, and, until and except said accident, haven’t felt healthier than I do right now. ........

My theology is simple: most institutionalized religion is a huge turn-off to me because it uses fear to control and repress instead of love to inspire. I most enjoy spending time with Buddhists, Hindus, Jews (especially Kabbalists , Jewish Pagans and Wiccans , and various Chavurot , including the Aleph Movement), as well as non-Jewish Pagans, Wiccans , Spiritualists, and other groups of OPEN-MINDED people of various walks of life who realize that there is more that unites us than separates us. Most importantly, I want to spend time with ANYONE who is spiritual, tolerant, and insatiably yearning to grow. I believe very strongly in natural (especially preventative) health and a healthy, holistic, lifestyle which includes my studies of energy, chemistry, essential oils, herbs, and various Eastern Philosophies and other unique medical and nutritional Anthropology. ........

WARNING: I expect to someday (like 10 years) live in New Zealand (or some similar place--am VERY open to other suggestions), in a comfortable, self- sustaining, energy-efficient, and ecologically-friendly home and property in (preferably) the foothills of a scenic mountain range, growing much of my food in rich volcanic soil. ........

I started limiting my consumption of "news" several years ago as I find that what our corporate American elites define as news MAY be "new" (and I would debate that), but, to me, hardly newsworthy, and, just fearful enough to motivate mindless neo-liberal material consumerism. I believe that our culture, system of government, and many other institutions in this country ARE THE GREATEST AND THE MOST FREE on Earth (keep up the good work George Bushes!! [ rolls eyes] Actually I will never believe that, no matter how steady the barrage of national and political propaganda (media, schools, popular culture) suggesting so, and will say that the propaganda to which I refer neither starts, nor ends with the Bushes, Republican party, or other current political-hatred flavors of the month. ........

I am a nature WHORE. I love the forest, water in all its natural and earthly containers, crisp fresh air, open sky, thunderstorms, sunshine, and nature in nearly ALL her forms. Through these things, loving companionship, and many others, *I* define TRUE WEALTH. ........

I love to travel, but not to just spend a huge hunk of money on a cruise or a week-long vacation (not that I refuse these excursions). I prefer to pick up and move somewhere and get to know the place intimately, as only the locals do (and, sadly, often DON'T)--at least until I settle down with someone who prefers much of the same. I have lived ALL over this country (and in ........Israel........), to such an extent that some of my friends consider me the modern and North American version of the Wandering Jew (a VagaBunn )! ........

I believe in integrity and treating people with love, kindness, and respect. I have Jewish feet, Buddhist wings, and a very spiritual heart. You should contact me if You Aren't Here Out of Obligation and you should probably reconsider contacting me if I represent all the things you'd like to be, but when you really think about it, prefer a life more of routine. And, last, but certainly not least, I am a HUGE lover of animals and children (of all beautiful souls, actually); so if you’re not, I am probably not for you. So be in touch if I haven't scared you too far off yet, and, if you’ve actually read everything to this point, send me a message just to say hello (or to tell me what a rambling schmuck I am!). Until then, ahava , u’l'hitraot . Namaste! ....

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Your Aura is Blue
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but deeply enriching life (not completely true, but getting there--ME).
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.
The purpose of your life: showing love to other people
Famous blues include: the Dali Lama (do they come much wiser and more selfless?), Oprah, Angelina Jolie,
Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor (I can be a psychic counselor for peace corps volunteers!) What Color Is Your Aura?


Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

KABALLAH INDY - bringing together those interested in receiving light, love, unity, consciounsness, etc. (other kaballists are always invited to contribute!!)


A RENAISSANCE MAN!! (SEE ABOVE : ) ) . ........

I would love to meet you if you want to explore all the tranquil beauty this world has to offer with me and my fabulous kitties ("my boys," Gingi and Cinteotl Sadeh , aka " sadeh " or " sadehbay "). I am adventurous, curious, passionate, well-traveled, well- educated, and have had many fascinating experiences. I love education, music, reading, film, hiking & sports (watching and playing; though, my intellectual side detests my love of the sports by which I am often seduced) and I can "throw down" in the kitchen-especially Cajun style (though I try to live more of a live and raw foods vegan lifestyle now, but still reserve the right to eat oppressively appalling junk on occasion)! ........

My musical taste is extremely eclectic ranging from Rachmaninov , Massenet, and Joplin, to Jug Band Blues, Folk, ....New Orleans.... Jazz, Israeli music, and ethnic fusion. I love kids and animals and all precious souls (how could one not?). ........

I volunteer, teach, coach and work with youth of all ages (my girls’ basketball team has won 3 consecutive championships in a row!!!! Go girls!! I am sooo proud of you. ........

I'm a little of an idealist, much of a realist, though my educational progression is making me more of a cynic! I dig thought-provoking quotes and people (eccentricity is fine; individuality is a plus, curiosity is a must!). I am intrigued by many things, especially the search for Truth (with a capital "T"). I am quite articulate and analytical, love learning about the world, and am a fountain of (not so) intriguing information. Zinn , Postman, Stone, Cousins, Quinn, Einstein, Tesla, Reich, Buffett (that's Jimmy, NOT Warren, Michener and others inspire me deeply. I love to discuss History, Religion, Geography, Geology, Oenology, Grammar-go Safire-Anthropology, Economics, Politics, Music, Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Spirituality, social justice and many other topics which I haven't yet discovered (or can't think of now:) I also love nature: the tranquility of thunderstorms and their seeming contradiction of serenity and exhilaration. Wow! To think this is only the beginning. If you'd like to know more, please be in touch.....

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....Here is anOTTER showing of love: look at how they hold hands...amazing beauty!

My Blog

D-Day Has Arrived

it's amazing to know there are people out there who do their own research and are willing to challenge those who have destroyed our economy and country.  Congrats jake!  Go get 'em!Topic: The Revoluti...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:38:00 GMT

Ted Rall (Obama Supporter): MR. OBAMA: RESIGN NOW

as a progressive minded person, I can say that Joe Biden was dead right in saying before the election that Obama will appear to betray all of his supporters.  There is no doubt that perception seems m...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 12:34:00 GMT

Tarp Visualized (FOFOA)

i couldn't laugh any harder than viewing this analogy of the TARP (and other alphabet soup) bailouts.Thanks to the site dedicated to "ANOTHER" and "Friend of Another", FOFOA.ALSO: make su...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 19:39:00 GMT

*****401(k)s Hit by Withdrawal Freezes*****

to see all the important comments (w/differing levels of highlighting, please see Eric's mainsite to read this article).for those who have their money in US dollars or ETFs and are not holding and pos...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 19:20:00 GMT

Meat is off the menu for many seeking path to better health

how timely does my last post come when the large city paper  does a positive article on the health benefits of eating a more vegetarian/vegan diet.  good for them, and much praise to the journalist, S...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:01:00 GMT

Is it a wise time to be completely vegan now?

chemtrails be damned?could this be the "generated crisis" that was promised by Biden, et al, before the inauguration?  that was supposed to happen in the 1st 6-9 mos?  time will tell.  it may or may...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 21:53:00 GMT

Ten principles for a Black Swan-proof world - Nassim Taleb

Nassim Taleb is a very wise man (see his video at the bottom of this.  He has always told it like it is. He's brilliant, and yet, he knows that we don't know anything aboutcomplex systems, let alone c...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 22:33:00 GMT

curious to know your definition of the word Progress

without looking up the term.  I was having a conversation with someone the other day about the word and what it means and we had a very different view of what the word implies.  so I am now wondering ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 19:46:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 00:37:00 GMT

HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic farming and the backyard gardener

thought i had already posted on this...but there are too many stories recently to do so on them all.  in any event.  some very disturbing information: Sunday, March 15, 2009  ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:44:00 GMT