Hradcore/Punk music, Show/Tour booking, vegetarian life & cook, hang out, travel...etc
THE TOUR van: [VW Lt 28, 9 sits + 2 place for sleep/Loft, GPS navigation system, mp3/cd player with usb port + 4 speaker]
BOOKED TOURS: Neural Booster/h, Tragic Vision/d, Mind The Gap/h, Blind Myslef/h, The Idoru/h, Chief Rebel Angel/h, Choose Your Path/h, Blood Is Fire/h, The Tangled Lines/d, Embers/h, Gutted/h, Korog/h, Radikalis Amputacio/h, Ataque Periferico/bra, Tackleberry/d, XTimX & The AlcoholiX/nl, Questions/bra, Confronto/bra, Merda/bra, Leptospirose/bra
DROVE WITH: Verse/usa, Across Five Aprils/usa, Have Heart/usa, Ceremony/usa, Bane/usa, Napalm Death/uk, Gather/usa, Black My Heart/usa, Questions/bra, Confronto/bra, Tragic Vision/d, Mind The Gap/h, Blind Myslef/h, The Idoru/h, Choose Your Path/h, Blood Is Fire/h, The Tangled Lines/d, Fallen Into Asges/h, Gutted/h, Korog/h, Radikalis Amputacio/h, A Traitor Like Judas/d, Firestars/sk, No More Fear/i, Bleeding Eyes/i, Yack/h, Din-Addict/h, The 4 Sivits/d, Human Error/h, Ataque Periferico/bra, IFarm/usa, Risen/usa, Asschapel/usa, Merda/bra, Leptospirose/bra XTimX & The AlcoholiX/nl,
I DROVE IN THIS COUNTRIES: Uk, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkye, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Benelux,
BOOKED SHOWS FOR THIS BANDS: A Traitor Like Judas/d, Children Of Fall/swe, Imperial Leather/swe, Punkreas/sk, Action/cz, Choose Your Path/h, Reaching Forward/nl, Analena/cro, Comity/fr, Pladge Alliance/a, The 4 Sivits/d, Chimaera/bl, Dignity Die First/uk, Container Crusties From Hell/fr, Step On It/h, Julith Krishun/d, Social Free Face/h, Another Way/h, Count De Nocte/fin, Mind The Gap/h, Speak Up/h, Antimaniax/a, Curent Stercuraro/sk, Neural Booster/h, The Taktika/h, Blood Is Fire/h, Dawncore/h, New Fight/h, Thorwald/sk, Buried By Time/h, Falcongate/h, Nikad/cro, Tragic Vision/d, Burning Inside/h, Hold X True/h, Coup De Grace/h, Staid Resistance/h, Nomenmortis/sk, Carahter/bra, HumanError/h, Postmortal Masturbacy/h, Let It Die/usa, No More Fear/i, Pavilionul 32/ro, To Kill/i, Bleeding Eyes/i, Iszonyat/h, The Power And The Glory/usa, Sage/h, The Last Charge/h, Bagna/by, IKnow/by, My Small Community/h, Children Of Gia/bra, Just Went Black/d, The Tangled Lines/d, New Winds/pt, Fallen Into Ashes/h, Krush/nl, Blood I Bleed/nl, XtimX & The Alcoholix/nl, Asschapel/usa, Strangel/h, Asunto/chi, Koroded/d, Threat Of Riot/i, Penalty Kick/h, Slowmotion Apocalypse/i, Confronto/bra, Nueva Etica/arg, Ataque Periferico/bra, Questions/bra, Gerilja/nor, Nothing/hu, Duna/hu ..hope i wrote down all of them....