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Ayefore wurde 2003 von Daniel Börsch und Jörn Klein gegründet. Zunächst
traten die Jungs mit Camille Abou-Chacra am Bass als Trio auf. 2004
kam Tunc Yomolcay dazu, der Camille am Bass ersetzte, sowie Howard Scarr
an den Keys, der in den Siebzigern in England die legendäre Synthie- Band Zorch anführte und mittlerweile, nach gemeinsamer Tour im Jahre 2001, regelmäßig als Keyboarder und Gitarrist am alljährlichen Treffen der großen Gong- Familie teilnimmt.
Seit dem Bestehen dieser Besetzung spielten Ayefore vielzählige Shows, unter anderem mit: BoySetsFire (USA) / Mono (JAP) / Deep Insight (FIN) / Flyswatter (GER) / Harmful (GER) / Daturah (GER) / Antitainment (GER) / Confuse the Cat (BEL) /
Coffeeshower (ITA) / Trip Fontaine (GER) / Kenzaris Middle Kata (GER) / u.v.a.
The music of the four-piece band Ayefore could be called “progressive alternative rock†or perhaps “stoner-progâ€, but such labels would certainly be an injustice to their particular flavour of psychedelia. Their musical roots span the decades – from tricky 70s progressive (e.g. Soft Machine, Mahavishnu Orchestra, King Crimson) to oriental styles to the hard-edged guitar-based rock of the present. And all these elements blend together surprisingly well: Although a staple device of the more sophisticated heavy metal bands, their use of odd time signatures does not come across as at all contrived or erratic – as the ecstatic dancers in their audiences can testify.
A bit of history: Originally formed as a 3-piece in 2002, the band soon stirred local interest in the Rhein-Main area. In 2004 they were spotted by British keyboard-player Howard Scarr (aka Gwyo Zepix) of the international cult band Gong, who recognized a rare compositional maturity in their songs. Now a four-piece, Ayefore have been playing select local concerts while constantly updating and perfecting the arrangements.
"SMOKING GUM EVIDENCE" ----- tracklist !!!
1. Spread life
2. Words Fail
3. My Diamond
4. Floaters
5. FoxDevilsWild
6. GoYellow!
7. Dry too long
8. Sow bay
9. Smoking gum evidence
10. Sorrow deluxe
11. Rewind
Brand new Ayefore-Video "MY DIAMOND"
Produced and edited by Blumen&FLOW
Making of the new Ayefore-Video "My Diamond"