Grupata e suzdadena prez 2003 godina ot Marko (bas) i Aleks (barabani).
Do 2004-ta godina v sustava se smenqt nqkolko kitaristi, do momenta v koito Ankata zamenq Vesko (togava kitara v grupa NONE, sega v Let Them Die).
Prez 2004-ta Envy za purvi put namirat vokalist v liceto na Asen, koito v posledstvie e zamenen ot Sasho, poradi nalejashto zaminavane v chujbina.
V kraq na 2005-ta kum grupata se prisuedinqva i Ivan (vokali), a prez lqtoto na 2006-ta Momchil zamenq Marko na basa.
Prez 2007 grupata izdade purvi oficialen zapis, narechen prosto "Demo", a v kraq na sushtata godina izleze i split cd s dve chujdi grupi.
Chlenove na Envy svirqt i v nqkolko drugi grupi:
Ankata - kitara - Lazybones (RIP), Rise Up, Always An Obstacle
Momchil - bas - Melekh, vokali - Taking Hold
Ivan - vokali - Always An Obstacle
Aleks - barabani - Taking Hold, Always An Obstacle
The band is founded in 2003 by Marko (bass) and Alex (drums). A few guitar players have been changed until 2004, when Ankata substitutes Vesko (who then plays guitar in a band called NONE, and now plays in Let The Die).
In 2004 Envy find their first vocalist, Asen, who is substituted by Sasho some months later, because he has to leave abroad.
At the end of 2005 Ivan (vocals) joins the band, and in the summer of 2006 Momchil substitutes Marko as a bass player.
In 2007 Envy released their first official record, called simply "Demo", and in the end of the same year the band recorded a split cd with two international bands.
Members of the band play in some other projects:
Ankata - guitar - Lazybones (RIP), Rise Up, Always An Obstacle
Momchil - bass - Melekh, vocals - Taking Hold
Ivan - vocals - Always An Obstacle
Aleks - drums - Taking Hold, Always An ObstacleDemo cd 2007 - Sold out1.Intro
2.Strahut e Otrova
3.Sulzi ot Kruv
Sudden Death - Split cd w/Bloodstained/Crawling Ground1.Goriashti Nebesa