Running the Canyon, Spin Bike, Resistance Training, Hanging with my dogs, Hanging with my boys in Miami, Vegas and NYC, The Greek Islands, The Russian Turkish Bath House, Massages, Snow Sking, Spending time on a private beach in Hawaii or Mexico, Good sushi, Visiting my mom, Doing shows with my dad, dodging my brother Scott, Playing with my niece and nephew, Kicking it at the Comedy Store, Doing shows on the road and hanging with the fans.
Osama Buraka Bama, Hulk Hogan's daughter, The homeless guy at the end of my street that urinates all over himself, (no more playmates, just MILF's), Reverend Jesse Jackson, Jessica Beil, Bono, Angelina Jolie's Gynocologist, George Clooney's butt doctor...
Young Buck
The Game
Alice In Chains
Masters of reality
Led Zeppelin
The Doors
Barbara Streisand
Four Year Strong
Frank Sinatra
Bruce Springstein
Audio Slave
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Billy Ray Cyrus
Pink Floyd
Rod Stewart
Norah Jones
Culture Club
Duran Duran
White Snake
Guns N' Roses
Motley Crue
At Close Range
Fast Time At Ridgemont High
Dazed And Confused
Encino Man
Dead Man Walking
Barton Fink
Blood Diamond
The Queen
Thumb Sucker
Y Tu Mama Tambien
The Squid And The Whale
How To Catch A Predator
Deal Or No Deal
Curb Of Enthusiasm
Anderson Cooper 360
NFL Playoffs
Ugly Betty
Sanford And Son
Fat Albert
Married With Children
Cold Heart: Iron Hand on MSN
The Sopranos
Beauty And The Geek
Al Qaida In Europe, How To Make Love Like A Porn Star, How Did You Expect Me To Turn Out (my autobiography that hasn't been published), We The Jury, The Anthony Kiedis Autobiography, Green Eggs and Ham...
Sam Kinison, Richard Pryor, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, Sean Penn, Dr. Dre, Bono, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, People that are sweet and kind in middle America, Truckers, The homeless guy that's pissing on himself at the end of my street, My Mom, My Dad, My Family, The lady that does her makeup in the mirror while she drives, all dwarfs...