The four headed beast that is Lieutenant was born in 2005 and strums, thrashes, plucks, bashes, lives and breathes in Manchester, England.
Drawing from an eclectic melting pot of influences and musical persuasions Lieutenant boasts an explosive sound founded on a songwriting ethic that is hell bent on originality with a penchant for complex rhythms and see-sawing dynamics. From the seven minutes of gradually escalating euphoria of "Scenes Exploding" to "Marvon" with its impossibly fragile opening building up to its brutal and frantic finale, every heart felt lyric, every caress of the high hat, every squall of feedback, every bass lick is essential.
On stage these musicians are in their element and the songs are given full justice...To be mesmerized by a frontman throwing erratic shapes and assaulting his axe, to be bombarded by an arsenal of effects-laden lead guitar chaos, to have your limbs cast into joyous exile by a robust rhythm section, all at the same time, is to experience just one of the many faces of the Lieutenant live experience. Rest assured whichever mood you catch this outfit in live the result will always be powerful and unpredictable and the performance full of youthful gusto and not just a small amount of charisma.
A band ready to overtake the current plague of mediocre music swarming with clones and scarf wearing hipsters, 2006-2007 will see a self recorded album and a string of exhilirating must-see gigs in Manchester.
Ladies and gentlemen you are all invited to witness the inevitable rise of Lieutenant.