I'd like to meet:
"One of God's own prototypes; too weird to live, too rare to die."
...Fly on, little wing...
My name is Slang , or Julie if you prefer. I have a lot to say.
And did you know my eyes..
Are windows to the world..
I'm 19, I was born April 7th 1989. You just can't beat growin' up in the 90's (except maybe the 60's).
Being an artist, I treat my body as a canvas and live as an art form. I've never been one to conform, and I have a problem with boundries (&authority). I don't dress like everyone else, in fact I make it a point to stand out from the crowd and express the individual that I am - I consider imitation a form of suicide.
I have a small family, an autistic younger brother, and if I had my way I'd have fifty times the pets I have now. I'm a spiritual atheist, an ultra liberal, and a dreamer.
I sometimes tend to be a tad shy and rather awkward around someone I've just met, but usually warm up to em quick. I currently attend community college and have no idea where I'm going with it, other than majoring in Graphic Design.
From the very first moment I could grasp and effectively use a crayon, I've been an artist. It's what I do, I live for all that is creative. Art is my life. Below this scrollbox is another regarding my artwork & what I sell - check it out!
I have an intense compassion for all life, down to every last tiny creature - taking life is taking life, whether it be a gnat or a human. And I will reprimand you if you kill anything in front of me or even mention it. Live and let live, you assholes. If you're afraid of something, it doesn't automatically give you the right to kill it. In fact, nothing gives you the right to take the life of any living being- just as no one has the right to take yours. Speciesism is an ugly trait.
I've found my other half in this world.
Myspace Flirts are not appreciated.
... California Love ...
I currently live in Southern Cali and I couldn't ever imagine moving away... I'll be a Lost Angel all my life. I enjoy the feeling of dirty asphalt beneath my bare feet, the smell of summer nights, the red tide that comes and goes, and the cackling of seagulls overhead. I can't imagine living in a place where you don't see a palm tree when you look up, the millions of palm trees reaching for the sky is comforting to me - it means I'm home. I often venture down to Venice Beach 'cause I love the place, the atmosphere is fantastic. I'd love to live there, right on the strand with a big window facing the beach and the people. Just chill and do my art and such, walk down on the sand and chat with people, and watch an amazing sunset every evening. And every so often I go to downtown LA to pick around the fashion district for fabric & other junk. Driving the freeways and scoping graffiti in mid august in the sweltering summer heat = love.
I may live in and love LA, but Black Rock City is my soul's home.
I was born to feel the playa beneath my feet, dust covering my skin... The first time was like a pilgrimage to Mecca; something someone like me has to journey to at least once in their life. So finally arriving at BRC was like a reawakening of my spirit - plucking me from the default world and placing me in a community I have only ever dreamt of. Nothing but good omens and friendly faces greeted us.
Burning Man brings out the best in people, the suppressed in people.. It is a beautiful home, with a living spirit all it's own.
There's something infinitely magical about the place; with the billions of stars on a bruised evening sky, the purple mountains in the distance, and the thousands and thousands of happy, living, loving, & laughing people moving to the pulse of music and art. Strange & beautiful things happen there.
Burning Man '08... I'll be there. =) I'm homesick.
... Turn on, Tune in, Drop out ...
As you may have sensed, I'm very much intrigued by psychedelics and the subculture that surrounds them. I have very strong opinions regarding them and their benefits; their spiritual, intellectual & aesthetic use being of utmost importance. Psychedelics have made an immense impact on much of who I am and what I believe. The fact that many people remain ignorant about them and even refuse to reassess them pisses me off. Most of what people believe to be true regarding any substance is usually very, very false. I cannot stress enough to people that they need to stop believing all they hear, and start searching for answers themselves. Psychedelics may not be your thing, but demonizing them based on lies is wrong. AboveTheInfluence is a load of shit! As well as DARE and all the other government-backed crap. Don't buy into their propaganda, don't become a sheep. SEEK. The entheogenic experience is a beautiful, timeless thing and has been used in countless cultures for a variety of reasons and anyone who works to criminalize these ancient transcendental instruments is no friend of mine.
Lastly: THE DRUG WAR IS A MASSIVE FAILURE. 'DARE' to end the war on drugs!!
... Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it ...
I'm infatuated with the world's cultures! Including subcultures.
From the practitioners of Haitian Vodoun to the tribal people of Africa to the markets of India to the punks of Britain to the graffiti artists of LA to the Harajukus of Japan.
I think I identify more with other cultures than I do my own. Which is perfectly okay! If anyone ever tells you you can't like something or be something because you're not a specific nationality, or have a certain skin color: Fuck them! Be who you are!
One of the things I hope to do in this one beautiful life is to travel. I want to travel all over the world and visit the people and the places it has to offer. I want to join a true ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazon, chat with a Sadhu in India, sit atop an ancient Mayan temple at twilight. I want to document my journey with photographs of all the different faces; I love people. I love how different and beautiful and amazing people are! How their styles reflect their personality and their culture and their life.
I love the way people present themselves with their clothes, their jewelry, their hair, their tattoos, their shoes - everything! I'd like to collect hundreds of portraits of all different sorts of people over a few years and publish them. Maybe one day you'll see my book =P
I love people who express themselves. The more out there they are, the more I like them.
I dislike, however, people that succumb to trends, care about brand name clothes, and idolize celebrities.
The body's just a vehicle,
Transporting the soul..
Its whats inside the people
Is beauty to behold ...
... The world is but a canvas to the imagination ...
Art or Vandalism? ART.
My introduction to Street Art was a milestone of my life. It really shaped me, my thoughts, and my art. As silly as that may sound to you... without graffiti, I probably would not have developed the individual style and attitude I have now. The Mona Lisa is not art - it has no soul, no message, no heart. It's cold, lifeless, and stale. Street art has more soul and life than you could ever imagine. More energy, more passion. I connect with it, I find it beautiful and meaningful; it gives a little color to an otherwise monochrome world, it can make you think and question, it can tug a heartstring or fuel a fire, it can sensitize you to your surroundings with art in a gutter, or it can loudly demand your attention from a freeway overpass. Stickers, wheatpastes, aerosol, glass, paper mache, plastic, styrofoam - any material imaginable to brighten our streets and grab your attention.
... The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious ...
I also have a bizarre affinity for everything... well, bizarre. While I'm against the cruelty to & the killing of animals, I have an overwhelming love for offbeat taxidermy. Sideshow gaffs and cultural curio are a favorite, along with mythical beasties. Real sideshow-like creatures are awesome, like three-headed turtles and four-legged ducklings, any animal that's out of the ordinary automatically attracts me (living or preserved). They're wonders of nature and I find them beautiful in their peculiararities.
Even more overwhelming is my undying affection for cryptozoology (as well as cryptobotany). Cryptozoology is the study of 'hidden' creatures ("Cryptids" I.E.: Nessy, El Chupacabra, Kraken, Yeti, Thylacines, Jersey Devil, Beast of Gevaudan, etc. botany would be plantlife). Along with that I'm very intrigued by hoaxes, urban legends, superstitions, the occult, and the supernatural.
...Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky...
"My religion is very simple - kindness is my religion." - Dalai Lama
Art, music, love, life, laughter, plants, flowers, bugs, water, fire, dance, energy, psyche - that is my 'religion'.
Fuck gods, fuck dogmas, fuck omnipotent beings - I'm free.
I describe myself as an atheist to those that ask, but I say atheist only in the sense that I believe in NO GOD. I do not believe in any sort of heavenly hierarchy, I firmly believe equality stretches over into the ethereal realm as well as this one (And because of that, I never capitalize the word 'god').
You are not better than me, I am not better than you... You are not better than animals, you are not better than or inferior to a black person, a white person, a mexican person, asian, indian, muslim, christian, atheist, german, russian, iraqi, japanese, chinese, crippled, blonde, autistic, woman, man, transvestite, hermaphrodite, gay, lesbian, single mother, dead beat dad, orphan, heroin addict, pot smoker, gangster, liberal, conservative, homeless, wealthy... You are not better than the dirt beneath your feet. We are all one, we are all equal, we are all in this together! Religion breeds hate, conformity, and blind loyalty.
WAKE UP! Spiritual Awareness :: Think for yourself, Find yourself, Know yourself -- Question your Elders & Holy Books.
You can believe in a god if you want, but don't do it because you grew up with it or because you're told to, or worse - because you fear what may become of you if you don't.
Despite what you may think, I am actually quite spiritual and philosophical, I am not bound by any religion. I also believe in Animism, which is the belief that all natural things possess souls. I've derived many of my beliefs, ideas and attitudes from a variety of cultures, practices, and entheogens... but largely from just what I personally feel is right.
My biggest influences:
» Australian Aboriginal
» Rastafari
» Native American
» Vodoun (& 'Hoodoo')
» General Paganism
» Buddhism (the religion of non-religion!)
» Nature, Mind, Universe
I don't live for any god - I live for myself.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is
conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
World, I weep for you. I do, I truly do. I am so so sorry for all that has been done. I am sorry to all the people who have been judged, harmed, and even killed simply for the color of their skin, their heritage, or their beliefs. I am sorry to all the animals that have been mercilessly maimed, tortured, and slaughtered by bored kids and cold factory farms. I am so fucking sorry, world. I am so fucking sorry.
I believe in peace. I believe that the suffering in this world can be preventable if we paid more attention, if we listened a little closer, if we didn't let our leaders rule. I believe in a society of harmony, one without leaders, one sustained by the community in whole. I believe in the rights of the people, I believe in a free world; a truly free world... of free people who lead free lives with free souls. I believe that people should be allowed to love who they want to love, I believe people should do as they'd like without curfews, without permits, and without consent so long as it harms no one else. I believe in love, unity, respsect, and responsibility. I believe people generally have enough sense to live like this, without restrictions on what we do, eat, smoke, look at, look like, or talk about. I believe in complete and absolute freedom; one without censorship, one without oppression. I believe in expressing oneself to the fullest, with all of society's shackles removed; I do not believe in gender roles, I do not believe in taboos, I do not believe in human advertising by branding yourself in their names, I do not believe in the government, I do not believe in victimless crime laws, I do not believe in organized religions, I do not believe in censorship, I do not believe in war.
Don't you find it strange there are curfews? When you can and can't visit the beach? Don't you find it strange there are federal laws that prohibit the consumption of marijuana, but smoking cigarettes in public is OK? Don't you find it strange that there are laws that prohibit your choices in life at all?
And for what? Your SAFETY? Bullshit! I do not believe in being controlled! LIVE HOW YOU WANT TO LIVE. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. But NEVER... NEVER force that on anyone else.
I believe in happy people, loving, caring, blessed people who don't judge, people who're content to lay in the grass and blow bubbles. I believe in flowers in your hair, I believe in dreadlocks and bare feet. I believe in love, hope, and joy. I believe in life, I believe in living life, and I believe in letting others live life too.
I cry for you, world. I do. I can only hope that my kids will get to live happily, with flowers in their hair and lay in the soft grass.
My apologies, world. My apologies. Someone has to apologize.I'm sorry for the people who have died in the name of religion, I am sorry for everyone burned at the stake, I am sorry for the crusades, I am sorry for the chruches that fight to keep gays from marrying. I
am sorry for the young girls who can't get abortions, who can't even let their mother know in fear of being beaten, I am sorry for all the people out there who are fighting to keep things like this.
I am sorry for all the potheads in jail, I am sorry for all the junkies who can't get the help they need.
I am sorry for all the people who have been diagnosed with AIDS, I am sorry for all the people in all the lands of the earth who suffer, who are suffering, who have suffered, who will suffer.
I am sorry for all the people butalized by the police, their parents, their partner, their 'guardians'. I am sorry for all the people who've died in 'the name of their country', I am sorry for all the people who think that's honorable.
I am sorry for all the bloodshed, the violence, the hate, the racism, the sexism, the speciesism.
I am sorry we are overfishing, and overpopulating, and polluting, and littering, and wasting. I am sorry for all the people who suffer because of those of us who remain ignorant, blind, and 'patriotic'. I am sorry for the trees that have been cut, I am sorry for the bugs that have been squashed, I am sorry for the earth that has been filled with trash, I am sorry for the nuclear waste buried in the dirt and tossed into the sea.
I am sorry we are so fucked up. I am sorry we are so backwards. I am so sorry.
I believe in peace. I believe in love. I believe in change. I believe in opening your mind. I believe in respect, tolerance, and harmony. I believe in the power of words. I believe in the power of art. I believe in the power of music.
I believe in hope.
The boy that means so much to me the idea of ever losing him is unbearable.
He has made such a huge impact on my life and who I am; I would never have been as happy as I am today if not for him.
We've had our share of downs, but nothing in this world has been as much of a blessing to me as he has. He means everything to me, and his simple presence lifts my spirits from off the floor. He is my partner, my other half , my best friend, and the one I wish to spend the rest of my life with . Nothing on this earth tops how incredible he makes me feel or just how much I love him.
I will follow you into the dark.
♥ I love you, Scott D. Burkhalter ♥
Some other totally random things about me
I'm a huge dinosaur & prehistory fan. HUGE. I love the ancient landscapes, the fossils, the plant life, and the animal life. My favorite dinos are Utahraptors, Spinosaurus, Microraptors, and Kronosaurus. Yes, yes I will school you if you still think dinosaurs were big, dumb, tail-dragging lizards. No, velociraptors were not 6 feet tall like Jurassic Park portrays them - that one pisses me off the most. They were actually 2-3 feet high and 6 feet long! I'm a dino nerd.
I LOVE tea. Tea for when I'm happy, tea for when I'm sad, hot tea on cold days, cold tea on hot days. If I'm just sitting at home all day, I probably go through about one cup of tea every 30-60 minutes. My favorite is Chai. =]
Most people find baby birds totally ugly, while my heart melts when I see em. I LOVE baby birds, and I love raising them too. I've raised & handfed many birds now, newborns and from eggs. Something about those wild tufts of fluff at the top of their tiny gangly bald bodies tugs a heartstring. ♥
I like - I like - I like to rave. & I love the people I've met through it! ♥
I'm also extremely fond of chickens. I adore them, I want a gang of em one day. Hand me a chick and you'll render me senseless; that little ball of fluff will become my entire world for that moment. I mother them more than I would a human child probably, they're so much cuter - can you blame me? I'm still terribly heartbroken that my chick Voodoo died of an unknown cause in my very hands. Santeria came after, and she's now a healthy young hen - I love her to bits. ♥
Whom I Admire
To all those who have passed, may you rest in peace.
Steve Irwin
Freddie Mercury
Bob Marley
John Lennon
Jimi Hendrix
Martin Luther King Jr.
Alex Grey
Tim Burton
Hunter S. Thompson
Albert Hofmann
Albert Einstein
R. Banksy
Mahatma Gandhi
Whom I Love
♥ Scott ♥
♥ Jessika
♥ Naomi
♥ James
♥ David
♥ Jess & Corey
♥ Conner
♥ Sean
♥ Lil' Kitty
♥ Santeria
♥ Zen
♥ & My family, which I don't have a picture of.
Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding.
-Albert Einstein
AIM Vegan Piranhas
Feel free to IM me, but don't take it personally if I reply really slowly.
I tend to get up a lot without warning.
"The Caterpillar cannot understand the butterfly"
-Timothy Leary
Life is a trip.
“It is the responsibility of every human being to aspire to do something worthwhile, to make this world a better place than the one we found. Life is a gift, and if we agree to accept it, we must contribute in return.”
– Albert Einstein
You've come so far! Shall I tell you a story?
... Story Time...
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
I'm a self-taught freelance artist. I started actually freelancing & web design at about the age of 11.
I've drawn & designed all my life, and I don't plan on ever stopping. I'm one of those offbeat artists that makes anything into something; my style is my own, and you could say it's a cross of fantasy, visionary & psychedelic. Cultures, strange plants & animals, and mystery inspire me, and of course the overreactive imagination I have.
My art is my outlet, in it you can see who I am... art is what I do, it's what I love.
I plan on making it my 'career', because everyone should pursue that which makes them happy. "Tripout Designs" is my website and I sell what I do in my online store "lilshopO Strange"...
I make and sell unique jewelry, weird clothing & accessories, sculptures, original art, prints & posters, and more.
If you havn't already, check it out on myspace. Befriend my store & help get my name out there, I'd really appreciate it. Plus if you buy what I make, you'll help me to get the resources to make even stranger stuff.
My goal is to have my name known, and my art to be recognizable. Not to be rich or whatever. My art is my expression, my spirituality, and I want to share that.. I want to bring my visions to the world.
Hover image to see title, click to see enlarged, and visit website to comment =)
More on my website, in my albums, and much more to come.
More neat banners at my website =)
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