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Saving my country from the Bush Regime! Music, politics, the environment, helping the poor. Making a difference.
Natalie Maines, the Dahli Lama, Noam Chomsky, Ayn Rand, Einstein, RON PAUL! Jim Webb from my homestate (adopted) Virginia, George Clooney, Russell Crowe, Theodore Roosevelt, John Edwards, Michael Moore, Barak Obama, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, John Lennon, Norah Jones, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Al Gore, George Carlin, Lewis Black.KEITH OLBERMAN! And anyone else who has the courage to stand up and say NOT ONE MORE American son has to die for this lie!
The Dixie Chicks, Norah Jones, Amy Winehouse, Patty Griffin, Mary Chapin Carpenter, James Taylor, the Beatles (SO MUCH TO NAME!)
V for Vendetta, Gladiator (surprise, surprise!) A Fish Called Wanda, Love Actually, Pan's Labrynth, The People vs. John Lennon..., The Ground Truth, Iraq for Sale, American Blackout
Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
KEITH OLBERMANN... ROCKS! Oprah, Frasier (Niles is the bomb!) Two and A Half Men (Love love Charlie Sheen and his outspokenness about 9/11 conspiracy), Sopranos, Deadwood, Bill Mahr, Louis Black and George Carlin ANYTHING...
A measure of a man by Sidney Portier, anything Noam Chomsky, Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged and We The Living, T Rex (about T. Roosevelt), anything by Maya Angelou. Where have all the leaders gone? - Lee Ioacocca.
Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks. Anyone who has the courage to stand up in the face of adversity to protect or defend an unpopular position. JFK, T. Roosevelt, my husband, Jim Webb, my father-in-law, the people of this great country that get up every day and go to work to provide for their families despite the abuse from the government (via taxes) (the rich get richer)