Ranger (Female) profile picture

Ranger (Female)

Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful. No dogs please.

About Me

When I was born I was taken away from my birth mother with my umbillical still attached. My brothers and sisters were taken too. We were taken to Pet Smart and dumped at their cat adoption program but we were freezing. The people there tried to save us and Carol Anne (mommy 2) took us home and tried to help us but all of my brothers and sisters died. I hate that man that took us from our mommy and let us freeze with our umbillical cord attached. That is why I am Ranger: The Lone Ranger. Well they thought I was a blind boy. I turned out to be a beautiful girl with perfect vision. My real mommy, Melanie, decided she wanted to keep me forever. Her mommy (2), Carol Anne, wasn't sure since she has a lot of cats she saved from being an adoptive parent. There is Forest (with 28 toes), Jack, and Jill. Forest was born with his back leg turned the wrong direction and the doctor said to amputate it but mommy 2 put a splint on it and turned it around. She also has cats from the pound but I can't stand them. I love my mommy and her teddy bear. I can't stand those cats I have to live with, especially Simba. They are so uncivilized. I love my mommy. Actually I have two mommies. The first one couldn't take care of me for a few years so my other mommy (2) did. Then when I was five my first mommy came back into my life and it was the most wonderful thing ever because she lets me lay on her and follow her around. My mommy sings to me too.

My Interests

Take the quiz:
What kind of cat are you?

Curious Kitten
You like to try new things and learn about new things. You are fun and original.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

No dogs please. I would like to meet others like me that were abandoned at birth and were given to the pet adoption at Pet Smart.