THE REVOLUTION STARTS THE 16TH DEC 2008We all know the sheple pretend to be ignorant to save them selfs. They sacrifice others because they are afraid to be hurt them selfs. They will turn against others and support the suppressor, because they think it will keep them safe.
What if the New Word Order/illuminati/Luciferian dictatorship is about to motivate people to find the ultimate freedom, love and harmony?
Most people don't understand the hardcore mindset of the dark side. They think they are just evil. But they have the same mindset as us the "truther" but just opposite. They are our nemesis and we are very alike the Elite and us.
They want people to find love, harmony and understanding, but they get angry when they see how people allow them selfs to become slaves and what the human race do to the planet, animals and fellow humans. What if the Elite force the slaves to understand action -. Reaction. Everything we do has consequences.
When the slaves say yes to more safety they will loose liberty and in the end they will end up in a global dictatorship because they allowed it to happen. Quite funny in a paradox way. They allow the loss of liberty to get more safety and end up in a very unsafe society. The elite just give people what they want and over time created a 100% slavery system.
How much misery does the sheple allow them selfs before they say NO!
What if the Illuminati is trying to illuminate us to the truth, that we are only slaves because we allow it to happen? And when we as an individual want to have freedom it is possible even in the most controlled Big Brother society?
It's more easy to find freedom on your own, then trying to change the system and find freedom together as a group.
It's all about the mindset and to understand that freedom is possible because rules can be bent some can be broken and it's an illusion that we are not free. We can take freedom today, if we want to as an individual WITHOUT THE GROUP
Remember it is harder to control one person then a group. Find freedom in your own life.
Meditate about this and say "How can I find freedom in my own life?"
Be like the flower. Think like it.