First n fore most I would have to say 1 who sees me on road or knows me n my wardrobe should see this...even ppl that dont kno me from a can of paint say they can tell im into clothes....n its more serious den that...its an schemes..accessorizing...the works....This love extends to shopping..collecting...etc...i have a large trainer collection ranging 45-50 now...i dont think its that much if u ask me.....I have always been creative as a child n now in my older days its what i love what i do best n what comes naturallyu 2 art ranges from graffiti...calligraphy.....cartoon sketches...illustration....paintings.....tags u name it i kno at least ive had a go...In my free time when im not raving or designing i like 2 get in2 other things i like doing....i do some freelance assistant work with a friend of mine at HIp-Hop Connection...I have assisted Paul on several photo shoots 4 the mag including...COMMON....THE GAME....KANO.....Music is my love esp. HIP HOP....but im very open minded n listen 2 eclectic taste varies n ule b surprised of the artists i like and admire....and 2 sum it up i love clubbing raving shindigs shubz woteva u call dem im on it differently. If ure at a rave look out 4 me coz im probably guna feature
N E 1 who finds me interesting.....or works in the fields of work that interest me...that i can relate 2 n possible start business with
I love everything from HIP HOP which iz just who i am...2 funky house...garage(old n new)....rnb...soul....grime.....alternative......ders nuff.... As for artists.....Oh mi god so much 2 name but here goes.....everything from NAS......JAY Z, TUPAC, BIGGIe - the heavy weights to MOS DEF, BLACKMOON, TALIB KWELI, COMMON, JILL SCOTT, and then theres TOPLOADER, TRAVIS, MAROON 5, KP n ENVI,Ammel Leauriex, 112, OUTLANDISH, terms of garage....HEARTLESS....4 sure...ROLL DEEP....KANO.....FLIRTA D......DJ LUCK N MC NEAT.....SIA....trus theres 2 many 2 name
Do u need 2 ask....The Simpsons is what keeps me alive n wot i raised raised on...its all my dad allowed us 2 watch on tv.....thank GOD