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LADIES FREE ThisSAT@ESSENCE TxtNames:07861210394

The Secrets Out

About Me

SUAVE&CHIC Promotions have taken London by storm in the last 2 years. Hailing from North West and West London their portfolio includes an array of London's sexiest and most vibrant nights.
There groundbreaking Funky House event Deep Throat "The secrets out" was with out a doubt the most talked about Funky House night in the "05 - "06 calender. This was preceded bye the splendor that was "Allure" and "Couture" an event for London's fashionistas.
2006 saw the return of "Essence, The fundamentals of raving" a night aimed at sorting out the issues faced bye many party goers and is now one of London's leading mixed music events.
As well as the one off and monthly events, are behind London's most vibrant Sunday night "Old Skool Sundays". This night started off as a monthly event but within 2 months was re-moulded into a weekly hot spot. Old Skool Sunday's weekly line ups and clientele are not bettered anywhere else in london on a sunday.
After a friutful 2006 S&C have shown a consistent ability to appeal and cater for london's mature minded raving elite. 2007 sees the launch of SAVILE ROW the most exquisite and exclusive brand to date along with the hugely anticipated return of DEEP THROAT.
It's this hunger and determination for event creation and sustainability that has left the name of suaveandchic on everyones minds.

My Interests

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Ophire ®


JuS CaLL mE...NaUgHtY

Fab Vibes