Greetings to ALL my close friends and fans (hate saying that word) on MySpace!
This is Janelle Monáe, and I just posted my NEW tune/song/jam (whatever you'd like to call it)
"Violet Stars Happy Hunting!" from my debut suite release
Metropolis Suite I of IV: ..The Chase,.. on my page.
Now, I have some instructions that you MUST follow:
Listen to ..Violet Stars Happy Hunting!.. Please don..t make this an awkward moment for us, just listen to it.
2. If you can jam to it, let your mother know, and add it to your page. If you can..t, well, you need to truly put your life in perspective.
Smile more. Remember, we all have to die someday.
Post your comment about
"Violet Stars Happy Hunting!" on the page or just say ..hi... I..m a really nice girl, just like Tom. :)
4. Lastly.. (remember the fate of the world depends on this) Learn every word! And Jam
Cindi Mayweather..s.. I mean
Janelle Monáe..s new tune! If you want to SAVE THE WORLD or hell, just want to be known for SAVING anything,
Metropolis Suite I of IV: ..The Chase.. is waiting for you!!!
For more details on how to become a hero, visit and donate to The Wondaland Arts Society by purchasing "Violet Stars Happy Hunting!" on June 1st.
Would you like to book Janelle Monáe and have her perform live,
Metropolis Suite I of IV: "The Chase," for your event?
For booking and press inquiries please contact The Lord of Disassembly (Rico Rodriguez) via phone at (404) 643-6625 or via email at
[email protected].
For questions about
The Wondaland Arts Society, and album inquiries, please contact The Lord of Disassembly via phone (404) 643-6625 or via email at
[email protected]
***TOP NEWS***
Visit the *NEW* Wondaland Blog here:
Visit the *NEW* Janelle Monáe forum here:
OFFICIAL JANELLE MONÃE FORUM (BETA) (The forum is still under development... please forgive us.)