phantomnoise records profile picture

phantomnoise records

About Me

!!!SOON!!!PNR14!!!23rd MAY 2008!!!
Thomas Chr. Heyde!!!High Culture Motherfucker!!!

Thomas Christoph Heyde from myoon on Vimeo .
about this account:
this account is maintained by Alexander Dreyhaupt (Alex.Dee) of Phantomnoise Records!
On this page you'll find infomation and news about:
- Phantomnoise Records in general
- The Fakecore Show on Radio Blau hostet by Alex.Dee
- other projects and work Alexander Dreyhaupt is involved
about Phantomnoise Records:
Phantomnoise Records was founded in late 1998 by Alex Dee, who is active
in the worldwide underground networks since 1994.The intention to set up
the vinyl label Phantomnoise was, and still is, presenting various not easy to place
electronic music. That includes the freedom of working without some of these
strange micro-genre pseudo codes.
Although all current releases of Phantomnoise Records may be categorised with
the term post-breakcore and related, this is no rule!
Speaking of Breakcore in the Phantomnoise manner, it's more the way of thinking,
not the music some people associate with.
But in fact also so called Breakcore music was our biggest influence on our way
to aestheticise freedom and millions of possibilities to approximate to other music
styles, but in any case without obligation to fit!
After inventing the term Fakecore in 2003, Phantomnoise now has its own style,
which means nothing to the inventors, but obviously much to many others.
In October 2004 Phantomnoise was the very last Label of the month
(together with Mash It Records!) chosen by John Peel, who sadly died some days later.
if you want to get in touch with Alex.Dee or Phantomnoise Records?
if you want to send a demo
(proper money will accelerate the waiting for an answer)
Alexander Dreyhaupt
P.O.Box 50 02 05
04302 Leipzig
every format is welcome expect of MP3, downloads, stream and every other
online shit! No, we also won't listen to your myspace trax! no fucking way!
why? you wouldn't understand honey!
complete discography:

Phantomnoise Records is mainly distributed via:
Soundbase Music
Suburban Trash Industries
about The Fakecore Show:
every 4th week SAT 1600-1700 CET on:
for worldwide listening pleasure use the webstream:
multi format webstream
and you can listen via FM in and around Leipzig, East-Germany:
99,2 MHz, 94,4 MHz & 89,2 MHz
plus in the local cablenetwork on 97,9 MHz
we like everything from country to noise, fast and slow, beautiful and ugly, dirty and mean and of course everything beyond breakcore!
... so please bore me with your newest shit!
Radio Blau
The Fakecore Show
Paul-Gruner-Straße 62
04107 Leipzig
related links:
(Electric Eclectic is a project by Michael Wallies aka Repetbeat and Alex.Dee: radio, record news, concerts, gossip mainly in Leipzig, East-Germany)
e.stonji - protn (particles ep phantomnoise 13)
Arrebite feat. MC DiamondDog (both from brazil)
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My Interests


Member Since: 4/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Alex Dee, Arrebite, Current Value, Matt Demon, E.stonji, Hp.Stonji, Thomas Chr. Heyde LXC, MAK, Mimaku Spldat, Repeatbeat, Society Suckers, Thee Vaporizer, Worlds Ab-Art
Influences: early techno (89-92), digtial hardcore, punk, hardcore, some drum n bass and jungle, gabba, noise, country, music concrete, ambient, independent rock, some contemporary classical music

Sounds Like: 100% fakecore....Yeah, right!
Record Label: Phantomnoise Records (LC 18596)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

(AIRPLAY) PNR Classic PNR010 by LXC again on air!

in 2004 we released this classic fakecore record, it used to be the last drum n bass record in the world as it was scratched in the runout groove :-)DJ Marcelle dropped it again...thankz Marcelle!---D...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 03:10:00 PST

(PLAYLIST) The Fakecore Show: 13th.09.2008 1600-1800 cet extended business

---spielfolge 13th.09.2008---01. jeffrey lewis  punk is dead - 12 crass songs  roughtrade02. arne zank  ade  love & hate from a to z  hanseplatte03. neubauten - ich komme davon  the jewels - pot...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 01:55:00 PST

(NEWSLETTER) phantomnoise records (may/2008/no1)

hallo folks!there is a new PNR out since some days,so better getting you informed quickly, ehj!I salute you, wherever you might be!..and please stay down with us! :-)Alex.Dee---Phantomnoise Records un...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:23:00 PST

(AIRPLAYS) - Thomas Heyde - High Culture Motherfucker - PNR14

Folks!in this blog you'll find all (known) airplays of PNR014!!!cheersAlexSüdwestrundfunkSWR2 Radiophon - Collagen aus Klassik, Jazz, Rock und Grenzgebieten9. September 2008, 23.03 - 24.00 Uhrvon Ha...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Wed, 14 May 2008 03:24:00 PST

(REVIEWS) - Thomas Heyde - High Culture Motherfucker - PNR14

some (known) reviews of pnr 14terz duesseldorf 09.2008THOMAS CHRISTOPH HEYDE: HCMF (phantomnoise) Ob der Approach von TC Heyde aufgesetzter Kunstradikalismus ist oder genau die notwendige Bluttransf...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:40:00 PST

(NEWSLETTER) phantomnoise records (april/2008/no1)

hello folks,another one of our beloved delay-letter for those who forget to fast!since 27th.march.2008 our new release is out:e.stonji - particles ep (12" vinyl)4 advanced idm post-breakcore traxon cl...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 02:53:00 PST

(REVIEWS) PNR13 e.stonji - particles ep

dear friends!here you'll find reviews of the new phantomnoise by e.stonjiif you know reviews, please send them over here!cheers!Alex---review raveline 5.08 E.stonjiParticles E.P.(Phantomnoise 013)Seit...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:53:00 PST

(AIRPLAYS) PNR13 - e.stonji - Particles EP

Folks!in this blog you'll find all (known) airplays of PNR013!!!cheersAlex----bermudafunk mannheim-germany-der retronautOperating Tracks On Air! Playlist 21.05.08Aktuelle Stimmung: am Rocken1. Kondens...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:51:00 PST

(NEWSLETTER) phantomnoise records (02/2008/no1)

hello folks,long time no letter, eh?let me tell you, there will be a new Phantomnoise releaseon 27th.march.2008e.stonji - particles ep (12" vinyl)4 advanced idm post-breakcore traxon clear-transparent...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:51:00 PST

Playlists of The Fakecore Show 2k8 (Jan 2k8 - Jan 2k9)

playlists of The Fakecore Show 2k8 (Jan 2k7 - Jan 2k9)---Januar2k9---DDDDD---NNNNN---OOOOO---SSSSSSspielfolge 13th.09.200801. jeffrey lewis  punk is dead - 12 crass songs  roughtrade02. arne zank  ...
Posted by phantomnoise records on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 07:15:00 PST