t KöksalSerhat Köksal founded his 2/5 BZ project in Istanbul in 1986. As a constantly evolving multimedia project, the output is in disparate formats: tapes, video collages, DVDs, audio CDs ,vinyls ,photocopied zine ,stickers, since 1991 and live performances
The performances of 2/5 BZ aka Serhat Koksal are exuberant cut-up
montages of traditional music , experimental electronic sounds, TV and B , C ,..movie images, brought together in a dadaistic confrontation of pop,orientalism,
kitsch, comic and folklore....................................................
Serhat Koksal ( 2/5 BZ ) performed 107 audiovisual ( live sound process and live video mixing ) concert ( @ 78 city / 17 country ) on Festivals ( Berlin Transmediale.06 Festival ,34th Rotterdam FilmFestival ,Belarus Subculture Festival ,Amsterdam Sonic Acts XI Festival ,Austria Diagonale Film Festival ,Amsterdam World Wide Video Festival ,Rotterdam Music Bienalle ,Berlin Rip It Festival ,St Petersburg SKIF 7 & SKIF 10 Festival,Milano Audiovisiva Festival ,Berlin Club Transmediale.03 & Club Transmediale.06 Festival, Ludwigsburg Europian Film Bienale ,Prague Moffom Festival ,Amsterdam Test-Portal Festival ,Goteborg Clandestino Festival ,Machtmusik Festival ,Gdansk Strajk Festival, .... ) , performed @ Clubs / Spaces ( Club Maria ,Paradiso ,Off Corso ,Cross Club ,Melkweg ,Recyclart ,Stubnitz ,CDQ ,East River Park Amphitheatre ,Extrapool ,Postgarage,Club 103 ,Fluc Mensa ,Hafenklang ,Leman Kultur ,Moritzbastei ,NDSM Dockland ,M12 ,
Ludwigsburg Film Academy ,Leidseplein Theatre ,
Stadtgarten ,Stubnitz ,Ankara Nefes ,Nighttown ,Moscow Dom ,
Acu ,Salon Des Amateurs ,roxyNoD ,Goteburg Storan Theatre , Tehran Azad Gallery ,Zoro , Jazzgot ,Warszawskim Aktywie Artystów Gallery, Bethanien New Yorck59 ,Punkt ,Bialystok De Centrum , ...... ) ,performed @ Exhibitions ( Museum Quartier ,Martin Groupius Bau ,Medientrum ,Bethanien Kunstlerhaus ,Akademie der Kuenste ,ZKM ,Parkingallery ,Rohkunstbau
,Istanbul Biennial 'Hospitality Zone' ,Proje4L ,Munich Rathaus Gallery , Tesla Podewil ,Berlin & Stuttgart Ifa ,Secession ,....) in Europe, Asia, North America
Under the slogan ( Since 2000 ) "No Exotic, No Ethnic Market, No Touristik" he investigates culturalistic clices and their effects on the economical and political situation of individuals and 2/5 BZ have interview with John Peel in 1994 / Istanbul for BBC World Service than John played 2/5 BZ old audio tapes in Peel Radio Shows since 1994 and have two times John 'Peel Session' in BBC Radio 1 and presenting on the subject of Turkish pop cinema and deconstruction, exotic tourism and anti-city myths, copy culture and remakes, critical sound art and audiovisual experimentation using found footage, field recordings and samples - in short: a critical and humorous re-use of mass culture. He played traditional instruments ( acoustic/electro saz baglama , rebolin,..) since 1993 and composed musics for some international experimental films from
d 2/5 BZ works have been aired/interviewed on countless radio stations around the world ( WFMU ,BBC ,RCV ,FSK ,VPRO ,Radio1.cz ,3headz radio ,DR ,Fatplanet ,Burn Fm ,Radia FM ,Reboot ,Resonance FM ,ORF ,Play Fm ,... and Channel 4 TV in UK (2001)
and on magazines ( Frieze ,De-Bug ,TimeOut St Petersburg/Istanbul,NewYork ,Gonzo Circus ,Bidoun ,Coda, Skug ,XLR8R ,HisVoice ,Blastitude ,PetiteMort ,Warsaw City ,Nashville Scene ,Aktivist ,...).
..2/5 BZ 's ULONBAY (released 2000 / Gozel Records ) album have Heavy Airplay Playlist on Radio WFMU in year 2001 . Serhat Koksal 2/5 BZ take part in section on global Vj artists @ first wide-ranging global Vj culture book '' VJ: Audio-visual Art and VJ Culture (Paperback / D-Fuse ) '' . He lives and works in Istanbul.
/////////////////////////// http://2-5bz.com http://gozel.2-5bz.com http://conkzine.2-5bz.com ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) serhatkoksal ( at )hotmail.com............
.......................................... ......................
** '' Of all the music I heard in Turkey , I liked 2/5BZ best '' John Peel 1994 **..........................................................
......** ''...and that track is from one of my favourites sessions of the recent past from 2/5 BZ from Istanbul.No Touristik No Exotic it is called..'' John Peel BBC Radio1 2004 . 'No Touristik No Exotic' track broadcasted for 2/5BZ's first Peel Session on May 2003 in BBC Radio 1 ................................................ **..........................................................
''**....Serhat is actually a one-man propaganda machine. Slogans are walls that prevent misunderstanding '' BIDOUN Magazine....................................
............................................** '' ...Like the music, in his films many things break in and apart, in order to hand out unheard-of references and opens up a whole new view on the oriental world and its strange trash. '' DE BUG Magazine 06/2006 **..........................................................
** 2/5 BZ new 12inch Peel Session EP / DISTROS ;
PEEL SESSION(Part 1) Gozel 001 released in 2003 &
PEEL SESSION(Part 2) Gozel 002 released in 2006........................................................
** Hardwax ( Germany )
http://hardwax.com/label/gozel-records/** Juno ( UK )
** A-Musik ( Germany )
** Toolbox ( France )
............................................ "Something you'll just love and dig for years and years ! Probably the best record since beginning of 2006 ! ... "
**''..Istanbul sound and visual artist 2/5 BZ 's piece ' No Touristik No Egzotik '
is a swirling flow of haunting..''..The WIRE magazine2003.............................
.............................................**''......The video Gegen die Bridge ( Against the Bridge ,2005 ) , by Serhat Koksal , was the one great chance encounter in what was otherwise a confused and cobbled-together 'Hospitality Zone' 9th Istanbul Biennial....Koksal's video - anarchic ,early 1990s' cut-up energy ..'' FRIEZE Magazine ............................................................
**''...maybe a dance party hijacked by peaceful but crazed cultural terrorist...''PERFECT SOUND FOREVER magazine 2004........................................................
**''Keine Frage ,den definitiven Anwarter auf die beeindruckendste EP 2004 liefert Serhat Koksal aus Istanbul.Was 2/5BZ
..............................................Istanbul'dan Serhat Koksal'in EP'si kesinlikle 2004'un en etkilieci adaylarindan....'' DE BUG Magazine January2004...............
**'' ..Die jungst auf Vinyl erschienene , im vergangegen Jahr aufgenommene Session ' No Turistik No Egzotik ' entfesselt einen Drill'n Bass-Hurricane aus zerstuckelten Darbukarhythmen ,entkontextualisierten Sazfragmenten und den obligatorischen Filmsamples, die als eingeworfene Sprachfetzen zum beklemmenden Nachgeschmack der Platte beitragen...''SKUG Magazine 2004...
**'' 2/5 BZ (a.k.a Serhat Koksal) from Istanbul, whose 'Militant Oriental/Peel Session II' six-track EP is a crazy fusion Turkish pop, Raggasonics, electro and much more thrown together five layers at a time '' XLR8R Magazine 2006...
** '' ...Uluslararasi sergilere canli performansi ve kolaj filmleriyle katilan Serhat Koksal 'in albumlerinde ve filmlerinde yok yok.....populer ve marjinal kultur tarihine iliskin yiginla imge ve ses bir arada ... '' Aysegul Sonmez /Sabah 2006 ............................................................
.......** '' ...2/5 BZ 'nin ardindaki isim Serhat Koksal sessiz sedasiz BBC'nin efsanevi programcisi John Peel 'e konuk oldu, bir de bu programdaki performanslarindan olusan bir plak basti.Aslinda kendimize de hata payi cikarmak gerekirdi, ille de John Peel'i beklememiz gerekiyordu.Cunku sadece John Peel degil 2/5 BZ'yi kesfeden, dunyanin bircok yerinde Koksal'in albumleri satiliyor, dinleniyor ve caliniyor.Tuhaf fikirler ,sikinti ifadeleri, mecmualar, yapistirmalarla gecen onbes yilin ardindan 2/5 BZ ile bir roportaj yapmanin vicdanen rahatlaci bir yonu de var.....yurdisinda cogu yerli yildizin hayalinde bile goremeyecegi kadar ilgi topluyor.90'larin basindan bu yana 2/5BZ adi altinda,...Serhat Koksal'in ismi Turkiye sinirlarininda otesinde, ta BBC radyosunun efsanevi programcisi John Peel 'e kadar ulasti.Rock tarihinin en onemli isimlerinin konuk oldugu John Peel Sessions'a davet edilen 2/5BZ bu programin kayitlarin olusan plagi kendi imkanlari ile yayinladi...'' J.Hakan Dedeoglu - Forward / Aktuel Dergisi 2004
** '' ...A few that spring to minds: psychedelic, psychorronic, cinematic, hypnotic, and flat-out super-bad. His tracks assemble percolating layers of slinky wah-wah guitar, soundtrack samples, synthetic beats and darbouka interspersed with snippets of pricelessly overheated Turkish action flicks and melodramas...There's no word whether he's bringing any of his zines or his DVD-R clip collages, which have won him of following that stretches from Russia to Belgium to Iran - and now to Nashville..'' NASHVILLE SCENE Magazine 2004 June........................................................
** '' ..2/5 BZ'nin yaraticisi Serhat Koksal yillardir kafasina gore takiliyor...hesapsiz kitapsiz icinden geldigi gibi bir seyler uretmek ...Bu uretimleri Turkiye'de sinirli bir kitlenin ilgisine mazhar olsa da,Avrupa ve ABD'de onun calismalarini takip eden cok fazla insan var ...' Ozan Ozhan / Haftalik Dergisi Ocak 2004........................................................
** ''..This album Ulonbay ( 2000 ) features tracks from 1992 through 1997.. It has as much high energy as drum 'n' bass music without ever really being drum 'n' bass, and when live guitar kicks in, often wah'd out and wobbly as it navigates ancient-to-the-future Middle Eastern melodies.. '' BLASTITUDE
record reviews ( usa )...........................................................
** '' ......retrogardist bir tavra Serhat'tan alintiladigimiz album kapaginda da rastliyoruz .2/5 BZ projesinin 1994 tarihli 'Opua Disin-Duzenin 7 Ceddine' isimli albumun kapaginda kafasi silinmis bir Cuneyt Arkin figurunu.....Bir yandan islenen malzemenin absurdlugunu teshir eden bu mustehzi tavir,diger yandan bu malzemeleri sempati ile sahiplenip, surekli sismekte olan medyanin urettigi absurdluge karsi silah olarak kullanmakta'' Erden Kosova / Birdenbire Turkler sergisi Nisan 2000 -------------- '' Sergide ve Sergiye paralel etkinliklerde agirlikli bir yere sahip 2/5 BZ projesi doksanli yillar boyunca gerceklestirdigi performanslarda, altmisli ve yetmisli yillarin Turkiye'sinin populer kulturunden cekip aldigi ogeleri avangard tekniklerle kesip birbirine tutturuyordu.O zamanlar pop'lasmaya kayan Sanat Muzigi'nin tuhaf orneklerinden arabeske uzanan bir malzeme genisligi populer Turk sinemasinin bugune kulaga komik gelen dramatik replikleriyle siyaset alaninda ulusal bellege yerlesmis cumlelerle harmanliyordu,2/5 BZ konser ve kayitlarinda.. The Project 2/5 BZ which has a serious presence within the exhibition and side-events stitched together some elements drawn from the Turkish popular culture of sixties and the seventies in an experimental style ''. Erden Kosova 26.04.2003 Istanbul Daydreaming in Quarantine Exhibition Catalog Graz /Austria....................................................
** '' ...performance cycle suggests a lot: No Turistik - No Egzotik Improvise/Electro Folk Cut. Neither the ..ancient wisdom.. of Turkish folk nor the ..contemporary currents.. of electronic music take precedent. Instead they frolic and tussle, each available to be infected by, or infatuated with, the other. Vulnerability is a precondition to cross-pollination. Open ears, opens minds, open wounds.'' & ''...Serhat Koksal aka 2/5 BZ is gonna blast us with a live audio-visual set. No turistik - No egzotik! Turkish lo-fi punk sampler saz psychedelia never sounded/looked so good '' .
New York Foundation for the Arts NYFA Quarterly 2005 & Mudd Up ! / Jace Clayton ............................................................
** '' ...... 2/5bz ise hakkaten bizi hipnotize etti baska bir dunyaya goturdu her goruntu bir oncekini tamamliyordu. oldukca enteresan bir butunluk icinde muzikle gorsel sovu birlestirmis... '' Ankara Psychedelic Rock Gecesi Team ( 1 MART 2007 ANKARA NEFES BAR KONSERi )
** '' 90'larda posterleri, cikartmalari, kaldirim taslarindan trafik levhalarina kadar sehrin her yerine sirayet etmisti; 2/5 bz'nin cikardigi "guzel mecmuasi" elden ele yayilirdi, kasetleri durmaksizin cogaltilirdi.........darbuka, saz gibi enstrumanlarla harmanlayarak deneysel ses kolajlari yaratiyor. durmaksizin uretiyor. '' . Trendsetter Magazine 2003/Basak Senova ............................................................
** '' onbin yil yasayalim yuz cocugumuz olsun prensibini turk sinemasindan muzigi yoluyla halkimiza benimsetmis bir sahis .'' (miska, 07.10.2004 13:49) eksi sozluk ............................................................
** '' Sampledelic cut-up courtesy of Istanbul's 2/5 BZ, whose unique style blends folk sounds, contemporary electronics, Turkish cinema music and instrumental improvisation into a seamlessly mixed whole. After more than a decade of activity in Europe, he's embarking on his first tour of the US...'' July 2004 / WFMU Radio / New York City ............................................................
.............................** '' ...I really have never heard anything like it . it really is unique . very powerful and impressive...'' Pete Tombs ,Mondo Macabro's Author ,Turkish Pop Cinema's Director, Channel 4 TV Producer..................................................
** '' 2/5bz ekoldur, ekol kalacak! '' AYCA SEN / Radikal 2 Gazete 2 Haziran 2007 ............................................................
............................................'' Zaten malumunuz okullarda bir sey ögretmezler; bu açidan 2/5bz bana atölye gibi oldu. Güzel Sanatlar'da topu topu bes ödev yaptiysam dördünde 2/5bz etkisi vardi. Süper gecekondu, malzemeyi önemsemeyen, anlatmak istedigini süslü püslü degil de elinin ve sabrinin yettigi kadar anlatan, ...... Artik incigini cincigini çikardiklari Türk filmleriyle dalga geçme modasinin gizli kahramani olarak 2/5bz hayatimin bir kösesinde hep vardi. Duvarlara yazilan Nuri Alço'lardan tutun, Cüneyt Arkin'larin komiklik olsun diye büyük paralar harcayarak yaptiklari ve yakin gelecekte yine dalgasi geçilecek rüküslükteki yeni filmleri filan, bunlari ilk olarak 2/5bz'de gördüm ....
'' AYCA SEN / Radikal 2 Gazete 2 Haziran 2007 .
** ''....grime-oriental coreâ€, using a palette of sounds, from classical Ottoman music to the worst trash, along with samples of Turkish B movies, politicians' speeches and folk stars, 2/5BZ represents a kind of dadaistic response to the nowadays ideological conditioning of politics and mass media. Koksal's project No Turistik No Egzotik probably best reflects the chaotic atmosphere of modern Istanbul, reminding us that culture is dynamic, variable and fluid, and that in times when countless voices tend to choke one another, starting to sound the same, there is one voice nobody can silent ...'' 18.06.07 Vuksa Velickovic - Serbian writter and journalist ............................................................
** '' ...zakrzywionych szabli, Jednak w mysi hasta 'no touristic, no exotic ' nie
ma tu estetyki folk, tylko raczej ostry zaangazowany politycznie miszmasz z dodatkiem humoru w konwencii....'' WARSAW CITY Magazine - January 2002
* ..2/5BZ @ TRANSMEDIALE FESTIVAL.../AKADEMIE DER KUNSTE.....LiNK.............................................
* ....2/5 BZ @ CLUB TRANSMEDIALE FESTIVAL/CLUB MARIA .LiNK.......................................................
* .......2/5 BZ @ SONIC ACTS FESTIVAL / PARADISO / PHOTO.......................................................
* ..........................2/5 BZ @ SONIC ACTS FESTIVAL / PARADISO ANNOUNCE....................................................
* ...........2/5 BZ @ PRAGUE/CROSS CLUB........................................................
* ...........2/5 BZ ...US TOUR and NASHVILLE SCENE MAGAZINE ............................................................
* ...........2/5 BZ @ POLAND 2002 TOUR ..............................2/5BZ POLAND TOUR 2007 http://www.aktivist.pl/wydarzenie/eventId,324980,serhat-koks
al-wydarzenie.html ............................................................
* .......2/5 BZ
[email protected] PETERSBURG ...TIMEOUT MAGAZINE....................................................
* ...........2/5BZ @ VIENNA FLUC 2005 MENSA /SKUG ............................................................
......................* ...........
2/5BZ @ VIENNA SECESSION 2008 ............................................................
* ...........2/5 BZ @ SWEDEN GOTEBURG / CLANDESTINO FESTIVAL....................................................
................ ...http://2-5bz.com........
................ ...http://2-5bz.com........ ...http://2-5bz.com.........................................
.................................................... ...http://2-5bz.com........ ...http://2-5bz.com.........................................
b643cc5945ff720c99bd05dff78e .......................................
..... ...http://2-5bz.com ..
p;exi=8391 (2/5BZ Solo Exhibition Berlin ) NO CULTURAL PIPELINE NO ENERGY DIALOGUE 06.12.2007 ......................................................
Biennial Tehran in Istanbul 30.05.08 - 06.07.08
10.06.2008 ntv 10 Haziran 2008 Gece Gunduz ntv Curated by Amirali Ghasemi and Serhat Koksal Parkingallery 2/5bz
Biennial Tehran in Istanbul 10.06.2008 ntv
.......... 2/5BZ 11.02.2008 NTV
Haber : Serkan Seymen Kamera : Cem Sertesen 11 February 2008 NTV
2/5bz 11.02.08 ntv