Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad profile picture

Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad

About Me

Middle Eastern Bolivaranium Sound System................................................ ............................................................ ............................................. Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad are new multimedia project from Tehran ,Istanbul ,Caracas ( first performance was on 17 th August 2006 Berlin ) and investigates culturalistic clices and their effects on the economical and political situation of individuals ; '' Against the Walls and Against the Bridges '' in there ................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................. Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad Project focuses on media literacy, the role of advertising and corporate power in our lives, intellectual property issues and the evolution of art, law and resistance in a media-saturated multi-national world and deconstructs Turkish films from the 60s and 70s and the Ethnic Market and East-West gateway clich..s about Istanbul and Project creates ANTI-CITY MYTHS and bizarre new forms similar to the kaleidoscope effect with Middle Eastern Uranium and South American's Bolivar ...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................. Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad are played ' MyTube & YouSpace' audiovisual performance in '' Wizard Of OS 4 Information Freedom Rules International Conference '' in Berlin /Tesla - Podewil Theatre in September 06 and performed '' NO Exotic ,Gegen die Bridge '' audiovisual performance on 14 th December 06 in Vooruit Festival /Belgium /Gent..................................... and DJ HUGO CHAVEZ & VJ AHMEDINEJAD played mixed media live performance in FLORANCE FABBRICA EUROPA FESTIVAL on 11th may 07 / ITALY ... ...........Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad web info.........................................AND Dj Hugo Chavez aka Ahmedinejad played fresh, interesting ,fantastic Dj Set for '' Patterns Istanbul / Taksim '' exhibition openning on 26.10.06 Tuesday / Dogzstar . ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ........... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................................... 2Fwww.command....... 59&L=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.command........................... ............................................................ ........................DJ HUGO CHAVEZ & VJ AHMEDINEJAD will playin mixed media live performance in FLORANCE FABBRICA EUROPA FESTIVAL on 11th may / ITALY ... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad: "No Exotic ,Gegen Die Bridge" _ mixed media live Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad sono un nuovo progetto multimediale nato tra Tehran, Istanbul e Caracas con lo scopo di investigare i clich..s culturali e i loro effetti sulla situazione politica ed economica globale in un ri-uso situazionista della cultura pop di massa. La loro ricerca si focalizza sulla lettura del paesaggio mediale contemporaneo, sul ruolo della pubblicit.. e sul potere delle corporation ma non trascura paradigmi come quelli della propriet.. intellettuale. L'indagine viene svolta decostruendo film turchi degli anni '60 e '70 con l'intento di sovvertire gli stereotipi correnti, centrifugati in un caleidoscopio audiovisivo dal potere deflagrante. Le loro live performance utilizzano la tecnica del cut-up per miscelare musica tradizionale, suoni elettronici sperimentali, campionamenti televisivi e B-movie in uno spettacolo dadaista che ha gi.. girato festival e club........................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................................Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad played "MyTube YouSpace Istanbul " multimedia performance for KRUEZTANBUL FESTIVAL on 13.10.2007 Saturday Ballhaus Naunynstraße Naunynstraße 27 D- 10997 Berlin 07/05/city_mix_a_fabb.html.................................. ..........Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad played '' MADE IN TEHRACAS '' Audiovisual Performance @ COPENHAGEN / The Triangle Project / GLOBALCPH 18.10.2008 /.......... ff/2007/05/city_mix_a_fabb.html

My Interests


Member Since: 01/08/2006
Band Members: Hugo Chavez ,Ahmedinejad ,Evo Morales ,.............Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad web info....
Influences: We Love Uranium... ...........Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad web info....
Sounds Like: Bolivaranium ,Grenada-Esque.............................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ .......................................................Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad web info............................Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad web info . city_mix_a_fabb.html........................................ .......... ........................ angle/tabid/249/Default.aspx
Record Label: Gözel Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dj Hugo Chavez Vj Ahmedinejad @ FLORANCE FESTIVAL / ITALY

 DJ Hugo Chavez & VJ Ahmedinejad played mixed media live performance in Florance Fabbrica Europa Festival on 11 th May 07 / Italy
Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 14:28:00 GMT

MyTube & YouSpace /Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad

MyTube & YouSpace from Dj Hugo Chavez & Vj Ahmedinejad * Dj & Vj Set @ Berlin TESLA  16 th Sept.  ' MyTube & YouSpace 'Performance Poster ;
Posted by on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:21:00 GMT

gazeteci sami kisaoglu dj ahmedinecad istanbul festivali dj hugo chavez aka dj ahmedinejad

Posted by on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:11:00 GMT