Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment) profile picture

Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment)


About Me

Foster Holmes is a necessity to the music industry. From Fayetteville, North Carolina Foster plans on being the next big up and coming artist. With an innovative style Foster brings the combination of Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, and Reggaeton (Latin music) to the table. Coming from a Spanish speaking background he also is multi-cultured and has influences from Bayamon, Ponce, Loiza, and San Juan Puerto Rico. Music has always been his main focus and for over 10 years he has been trying to find his spot within the music industry. He started out in the concert, jazz, and marching band in grade school playing the alto sax. The rapper/singer/producer and songwriter has been honed his whole life to be something great. He has music down to a science and will continue to use his craft to the best of his ability. Foster Holmes in 2005 along with Push decided that the only way that they would be able to show their talents off is to open up their own label. Foster Holmes came up with idea of calling his label "Orphanage Entertainment" and that came from his stage name Foster Holmes sounding like FOSTER HOMES. He felt like calling the label Orphanage would symbolize how different he was compared to most people. When thinking of an orphanage you think of kids that would be labeled as out casts and that is exactly the theme that Foster was going for when this idea was created. Foster Holmes and Push later signed Blaze which is an artist that is witty with words, rough-edged but well rounded as an artist. Blaze is a rapper originally from up state New York but ended up in Fayetteville because of his father being military. They then met J.E.T. (Jason) and J.E.T. is the go to guy. If you ever needed something whether it was the hottest outfit, the best jewelery, or a V.I.P. spot in the club J.E.T. is that guy that could make it happen and Foster Holmes agreed with Push that they could use someone on their team like him to make business fall into play. From there the acquaintance with J.E.T. ultimately lead Foster Holmes, Push, and Blaze with a management deal and J.E.T. is now the manager and president of Orphanage Entertainment. With Foster Holmes' work ethic, style, and creativity and Push's producing, mentoring, and great ear for music they have teamed up to create a label of not only talented young artists, but people who have the same vision as they. You can catch Foster Holmes, Push, Blaze and J.E.T. all on Myspace. Promotion and marketing is their key. Foster feels that you can be the hottest thing out there and no one will ever know it because the way an artist is promoted is everything in the music industry. Foster is also writing, recording, producing, mentoring and collaborating with other artists. He along with Push is looking for more artists however, they feel the importance of putting their music out right now is the main focus at hand. Push tells Foster that artists will be there but you have a gift and if you aren't using that gift to the fullest potential then you're short changing yourself. Foster keeps that in mind daily as he strives to live out the prophecy that was placed before him. He also encourages young people to get an education to make something of themselves. Entrepreneurship is probably one of the best things that the modern day society has to offer young people and the only way to obtain success is to have knowledge with a faith in GOD. Foster is a positive person and feels that whatever a person does it should be 100% them and nothing less. Staying true to yourself differentiates an achiever from a failure and those are the laws that Foster Holmes lives by. Please stay tuned as he continues to create a buzz not only in his hometown of Fayetteville, NC but across the nation and over seas. God bless and thank you on behalf of Orphanage Entertainment.
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Member Since: 4/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Push the Co/CEO and Producer, Foster Holmes Co/CEO and Artist, Blaze (Artist), J.E.T. (Manager and President of Orphanage Entertainment) B Walk (A&R and Coordinator), Robert "Bobby" Blake (marketing and media personnel)
Influences: God, family, friends and fans.I am influenced by a lot of the big names in the music industry but right now I’d honestly have to say I’m more influenced business-wise than music-wise. I give credit to Russell Simmons, Ryan Leslie, and Timbaland for giving me that extra drive. I could sit here all day and give the names of rappers, singers, and other great musicians but I love ALL music and I really don’t have a favorite influence. Music is an expression.
Sounds Like: Music.
Record Label: Orphanage Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


When we hear or see the word invest the first thing that comes to our mind is money. Investing is more than just a tangible transaction but mostly is used when talking about the reproduction of money ...
Posted by Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment) on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 07:36:00 PST

New Talent

It seems like all of the right people are walking along the same path i'm walking. I have been looking for new talent for the longest and I'm starting to discover talent, hardworking, creative people ...
Posted by Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment) on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 03:19:00 PST

Helping Others

God has a purpose for everything and I feel like my purpose in life is to help people. I can't honestly say that I have all of the answers to this music thing because I don't but what I do have is the...
Posted by Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment) on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:00:00 PST

"The Comfort Zone"

This blog is geared toward those who are not movitvated. Motivation is the key to success and without motivation we will not succeed in this society. Most people are happy with having that good p...
Posted by Foster Holmes (Co/CEO Orphanage Entertainment) on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 11:18:00 PST